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What good are 5-7 years of updates? If you don’t let us repair our phones when we need. Assuming, everything else is fine.
Except the stock OS is unusable and custom roms are not well supported.
I went from years of Pixels to an S22Ultra. The only hard part was that the app drawer is paged instead of scrolling. I just ignore everything Samsung/Bixby and never see it. Seems fine 🤷♀️
I hated the page thing, so I’ve always used Nova to change that. I don’t even remember how things all looked and worked under samsungs UI.
Don’t use Nova, didn’t you hear?
I heard they’ve sold out, but they haven’t actually done anything yet.
Honest question: What makes you think you are qualified to know if they’ve “done anything”? Nova was bought by an analytics(data) company, the danger wasn’t in them aesthetically changing nova or its core functionality, the danger was in them keeping you thinking nothing has changed but aggressively/unethically selling all the data about you so others can exploit and manipulate you.
Simple example is, making a predictive model of when you’re most likely sad based on context clues and general device usage and then kleenex buys that data, in aggregate. They then use it to predict when they can raise the price of tissues for surge pricing in your area when you’re most vulnerable and least price sensitive. This is a slightly silly example work “big Kleenex” as the bad guy, but hopefully you get the idea.
Add to it if you use any of nova middle layer services (e.g. A nova search widget instead of browser search, sesame shortcuts, etc). That’s all increased fidelity they get on a data profile of who you are at any given time so that they can sell it to others to target and harass you. That is what the new nova is, quietly. You won’t get a knock on your door to ask you if you approve, it has just happened already.
More hypothetical examples:
We detect increasing frequency of you launching the travelocity app, means you’re getting more desperate to book, prices go up on your app, increasing more and more between today and the departure date you’ve been searching.
You downloaded two pregnancy tracker apps in a week, means that several companies can now invest in spamming you with predatory social and direct mail advertising and you’re employer can consider finding alternative cause to fire you to not absorb the upcoming costs of delivery/care and parental leave.
You not having any Christian/bible material or apps on your phone means there’s a high percentage that you aren’t a practicing Christian (or conversely, you having a Quran app downloaded). Your house gets a big red X on a map for an app funded by dark money Christo-fascist, Christian nationalists quietly creating a directory of “good” people and “bad” people that your neighbors with red hats and flags on their raised trucks can eventually download and access freely to “keep an eye out”.
That last one is NUTS! You’re crazy! That’s ridiculous! and then…
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KIIS launcher and some others floating, I think Pear launcher maybe for some? Different FOSS options that are decent
You can use goodlock to make it scrollable
This setting doesn’t exist for me. I just use another launcher anyway.
Except that there’s 40GB of pre-installed, unremovable garbage software
My old Samsung Tab A6 tablet (which is from 2016) has has been limping along at 96% full whilst having just 4 apps I actually installed and used, because of all the useless Samsung junk in it which after a few updates has expanded to use almost all of the available space and this with me trying hard to avoid updating anything not “system” or required even if pre-instealled.
(With storage usage this close to 100%, if you don’t restart the tablet once in a while, it fill up with temporary and cache files, which in turn causes random app crashes and malfunctions)
Got pissed some weeks ago and last weekend after some researched flashed a Custom ROM into it (somebody back in 2021 actually built LineageOS for it: Thanks Mone!)
I’m still using those same 4 apps in it yet storage is now 40% free, I even have an updated Android version and the thing is working as if it was new.
Screw Samsung: even when their hardware was actually decent, their software was already bloated crap.
That’s the fun part tho, tjlhey notch a W on support, then fuck you with parts access so they still selling extra shit. Another W
Peasants need to git gud at life frankly.
Find me another electronics manufacturer which has put as much effort into eliminating China from its supply chain.
Do I understand correctly, that you make your buying decisions based on that?
The most you can infer is that it is one of their criteria
true. So I am interested in his response, how important this criterium is for him
It’s definitely a factor.
Producing weapons wasn’t enough, was it?
Starting June 2024, iFixit will no longer be Samsung’s designated third-party parts and tools distributor. Also starting next month, we will no longer have a quantity limit of seven Samsung parts per repair shop per quarter.
Wow that is quite a limit Samsung. I can see why no one would want to be a partner with them. (Which was obviously the point.)
You have a typo in your title. Lemmy let’s you edit them.
There’s some irony for ya. :D
There’s one user here who’s going to see this and be so disappointed in me lol. Thing is I know but I swipe type and do little proofreading.
Hey, it’s me.
No, its you!
It’s is!
(Clarification: that was supposed to be “it’s us” but I got swiped)
I feel I typo on lemmy more then anywhere else in the internet. I put it down to swipe typing and perhaps the connect app lagging or something.
Almost all my posts and comments have stupid typos in them.
Even when I proof read, my brain can skip or fill things in as I read making me think everything is fine when it isn’t. Totally understandable.
Swype/swipe FTW. Proof reading necessary but not always done!
I felt ya. If it isn’t misspelling word it’s random capitalization in you’re post. Gboard used to just work. Now it mostly sucks
(For the record: *feel *words, *your)
Ol’ Muphry’s Law strikes again
Muphry’s law.
You may have coined somethign new here.
Nope. It’s been a thing since 1992:
Woops, thanks!
You have a typo in your comment. Lemmy lets you edit them.
If someone else notices before me then it stays.
A person has to have some fucking principles
Most importantly, Samsung has only ever shipped batteries to iFixit that are preglued to an entire phone screen — making consumers pay over $160 even if they just want to replace a worn-out battery pack. That’s something Samsung doesn’t do with other vendors, according to Wiens. Meanwhile, iFixit’s iPhone and Pixel batteries cost more like $50.
What logic does Samsung think that it’s a good idea to destroy an entire phone just because of it using a third party part.
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Selling a new one
Glad they’re not afraid to call out Samsung here. Most manufacturers don’t care about repairability.
I have to wonder if they’re finding issues with the new Google phones. Supposedly Google has committed to have the Pixel 8 parts available but I haven’t had to look into it.
Let’s all buy Fairphones. I know they’re expensive. But it’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message.
It’s not just about the cost though. They’re inferior to pretty much any other mid-range or high-end smartphone too. Expensive but good would be fine. Cheap and mediocre would be fine. Expensive and mediocre though? Nah.
My £250 used phone has a faster processor, more RAM, better screen (higher resolution, brighter, bigger and higher frame rate), and a higher capacity battery with faster charging. It’s a mid-range Xiaomi from a couple years ago, not a high end or flagship phone.
They should take notes from pinephone. Offers something unusual at a low cost. Since enthusiasts eat that stuff up you get extra help with software and ROMs too. Yes it’s low spec, but it’s good enough for enthusiasts to play with and is of good value as the price reflects the quality.
Well, yeah… Xiaomi is a Chinese phone! Why do you think it’s so cheap and more powerful?
Unless Fairphone also uses Chinese labor?
Plenty of other brands which aren’t Chinese are both better and cheaper. Samsung, Apple, Google, Asus even.
Do they all use cheap Chinese labour? Sure. Do you actually think Fair phone doesn’t? Even if they somehow completely avoid China for the whole supply chain, they will inevitably get cheap labour from somewhere - like Taiwan or Costa Rica. After all they are using standard Qualcomm parts, so that’s going to be either TSMC in Taiwan or Samsung in China and Korea.
According to their own website their living wage bonus is only $2.63. It doesn’t even say if that’s per hour or per day.
Well, yikes!
Screen is too large for me, would be nice to see a small Fairphone
Yeah, roll one out with a 5.8" screen and a headphone jack amd I’ll buy it at a premium. I’d shell out even more for a true iPhone mini-sized phone if they make the battery fat enough for decent battery life – small phones can still be ergonomic and light enough with a little extra chonk.
Giant screen, no headphone jack? No thanks, I might as well buy a $50 android phone at a gas station.
Agreed, recently had to switch to an iPhone 6s as my other phone broke. I think I might stay mainly because of the size and comfort of use
You are too small for the phone.
Wish I was ._.
But my current phone can already send messages…
I would rather buy nokia with ifixit partnership and save hundreds of euros. for me it’s about the money 700€ is a shit ton of money
edit: okay after looking moreninto nokia phones (or hmd phones, maker of current nokias) I would propably hold my money until they release something new and good which isnt too expensive, currently their lineup is a bit weird. but they do make the phones mostly from recycled materials and I like the idea of that company. (mostly cuz it’s finnish and even stores the data in finland so no china involved)
I mean if you keep a FP5 for it’s entire service life it’s actually a pretty damn cheap phone. If all goes well maybe a couple of battery changes tops.
And a charging port. A screen if you are clumsy.
I’m glad phone screens are so durable nowadays. I’ve used my oneplus 6t for 5 years and still it’s not broken. I broke my back cover last summer though but that was after battery replacement. I’d still buy a cheapidh nokia for my next phone with ifixit partnership
its* entire service life
I’ll tell my mom that
The message that we approve of the removal of the headphone jack done in order to peddle wireless headphones…
Still not convinced they’re for sale in my region.
I want a headphone jack.
I’m poor
Buy an older secondhand flagship. It’s actually an even greener option. Battery may need replacing but hopefully* EU will make that easier for all of us.
I have a fairphone
Sure, as soon as they sell them in North America with a normal OS
While this may be concerning from an ewaste standpoint, don’t worry! Samsung has that covered. For anyone that elected to get a new phone instead of replacing a simple part Samsung has had the courage to not include a charging brick which slightly decreases the size of the box. Customers that need a charging brick can aquire one through a separate expensive purchase that comes in another box shipped on a different cargo ship from china. Samsung is super duper into being green.
If you’re replacing your phone surely it’s better that it doesn’t come with the charger (from an environmental point of view), since you don’t have to ship it back and they don’t have to ship you a new one. And what does it matter if they’re on different ships? It would still be pretty much the same amount of emissions released, which is probably less than the amount needed to drive it to your house. Adding the extra packaging for two separate items isn’t great though, and I agree that as a customer it isn’t great to get less for the same price.
Mashallah my Samsung brothers. 🙏🙏🙏
For real. Fuck samsung so hard. I can’t even get an oem replacement battery for my N20 Ultra. (I bought it used in early 2021). Managed to find one (battery) that appeared new and genuine from ebay about 2 years ago, but im going to need another in the next year or so, because there’s no replacement phone with a pen and a micro sd card slot beyond this one. Almost no phones with just the SD card slot.
What are you doing to it to need 2 battery replacements in four years, I have a Note20 Ultra 5G bought at release, still using the original battery. Battery health is estimated to still be over 90%
I replaced one after a couple years when I broke my screen, so figured, might as well. Then it’s been a couple more years and I figure I’ll need another in like a year, and new ones will keep getting harder to find. I don’t plan on upgrading over the next few years.
Maybe it’s time to separate phone and all in one device
And like…carry more stuff?
Got me there mate, I don’t have pockets on my skin either
I’ve always wanted a PalmPilot
said no one ever
Edit: well at least not in the last couple decades
I’m in the same boat with the Note 10+. I’ll be sad when it dies
I miss my note 10… Cherish it as long as you can.
It sucks that it’s hard to find MicroSD slots, but when you can get 512 GB onboard and just dump it to a USB drive, it’s basically just a matter of semantics at that point.
I go places a lot of times with sketch internet connections and have a huge digital library I keep stored on my phone. Not to mention all the pictures and videos I take (and video recordings take up quite a large chunk of space). Then you get into, ok, I can pay $400 for this phone so it has 512GB instead of 128GB. That sucks when you can buy a 1,000GB card for less than $100.
So why do I need to spend so much more money to get something that should be so ridiculously cheap?
Capitalism. Same reason most anything is expensive. Shake your fist and move along 🤷♂️
Reading this from a Fairphone 3 that received a new battery and a new headphone jack three weeks ago (and which were both extremely easy to install).
I wish the bands worked in Canada
They don’t? That’s interesting. Well, I guess I’ll go with google next time and flash it?
That’s what my research suggests, it doesn’t get a good signal in Canada because it’s missing some of our bands.
Google phones still don’t solve the repairability problem for me, but a Pixel with Graphene flashed onto it is theoretically the best thing for your privacy.
I’m hoping to make my current phone last as long as possible with hopes all phones will be a bit more repairable when the time comes.
Honestly I’m loving my FP5. I liked my previous two handsets, but between locked bootloaders and lack of support after a few years they weren’t much use to me. I’m looking forward to a another eight years or so with this one, though.
I just picked up an S20 on swappa because I destroyed my S10 and there aren’t any s10s for sale…the back fell off…not broken. I’m going to replace the battery before I restick the back on.
You don’t think that was running through my head as I’m emailing the seller…“I love the phone but the back fell off… nothing broken, I didn’t drop it” then I sent pictures… being that I HAVE dropped a new phone before…I’m pretty good at understanding and accepting when it’s my mistake vs wtf‽
But I’ve heard it wasn’t designed that way…
What way,
Well for one the back should not fall off
Let me know if you find a place that sells oem batteries, because the aftermarket ones all suck and I’m on the lookout to get another oem replacement for my N20 ultra.
Will do
Turns out phones need to be more servicible than lip service.
It’s impressive they managed to last this long. I remember getting the ifixit kit for my first Note. I think I replaced the screen twice and had several spare batteries after the first one stopped holding a charge.
That sounds like they really took care of you.
I’m not sure who you mean by “they”. iFixit is great, but they just sold me the tools and the parts, and provided the replacement guides. I have been a customer since they opened their webshop, but I haven’t ordered anything from them for a few years. I can only assume they still have great customer service, if they’re willing to cut ties with Samsung over customer privacy.
Samsung was OK back then. I really liked the device, but it was a little flawed and they offered nothing for the battery that didn’t hold a charge. Eventually the charging port also failed, but by that time I had three spare batteries, so I would just rotate them through the device rather than plug it in. The screen cracking was on me, I dropped it, but the other issues shouldn’t have required a third-party DIY repair channel at all.
About 6 montha ago I wanted to replace my S21 battery and checked with Samsung, who redirected me to iFixit. The only genuine Samsung S21 battery they had was only sold with the screen, which cost ~$130 or something. I didn’t need the screen…
Last month I checked again and saw they had a third party replacement battery for ~$30, same capacity. I bought it and popped it in. It’s been working fine.
Was it Samsung’s requirement that the battery only be sold with the screen? At the time, I would have rather had the genuine Samsung battery and would have paid a bit extra for it, but not $100 extra.
good riddance