Here’s a primer on the zizians, which you can read if you’d like your eyebrows to get stuck one tick higher for the rest of the day.
The tl;dr is that they’re a cult orbiting around an offshoot of the SF Bay area “rationalist” scene. The SF Bay is a brutally alienating grifter hellscape. The rationalist scene is a disorganized counterculture highly concerned with morality*. This naturally attracts confused young adults who are in weird places in their life; that’s just what a moral counterculture does. Ziz targeted particularly vulnerable people from this pool, particularly trans people, with a cluster of techniques out of the usual cult playbook, notably including a novel type of sleep deprivation.
* Whether these ideas are right or wrong are irrelevant, but if you want my take: a stopped clock is right twice a day, but a clock that’s spinning around really really fast is right way more often.
Just read the article and it turns out it’s even weirder than a weird sleep cycle thing!
They believe every person is actually two people (separated by the left and right hemispheres) and that they can put one of them to sleep, by making only one half of themselves to sleep. So they get comfortable, but keep open one eye, and keep that half of the body stimulated. When the half with the closed eye, which stays relaxed, goes numb, that half is asleep. This way they can separate their two halves or something. Apparently you can actually come out of that thinking you slept, but idk how, it sounds very disorienting and not restful at all.
This is the unfortunate implications of split brain experiments. I wonder if we cna talk them i to splitting their Brian so they can doubble their apm?
Here’s a primer on the zizians, which you can read if you’d like your eyebrows to get stuck one tick higher for the rest of the day.
The tl;dr is that they’re a cult orbiting around an offshoot of the SF Bay area “rationalist” scene. The SF Bay is a brutally alienating grifter hellscape. The rationalist scene is a disorganized counterculture highly concerned with morality*. This naturally attracts confused young adults who are in weird places in their life; that’s just what a moral counterculture does. Ziz targeted particularly vulnerable people from this pool, particularly trans people, with a cluster of techniques out of the usual cult playbook, notably including a novel type of sleep deprivation.
* Whether these ideas are right or wrong are irrelevant, but if you want my take: a stopped clock is right twice a day, but a clock that’s spinning around really really fast is right way more often.
That’s one hell of a take and a good one at that
I’d like to know more about this
I have a guess!
It’s lifehack bullshit. I have a biphasic sleep schedule and I’d be miserable on five hours of sleep.
Just read the article and it turns out it’s even weirder than a weird sleep cycle thing!
They believe every person is actually two people (separated by the left and right hemispheres) and that they can put one of them to sleep, by making only one half of themselves to sleep. So they get comfortable, but keep open one eye, and keep that half of the body stimulated. When the half with the closed eye, which stays relaxed, goes numb, that half is asleep. This way they can separate their two halves or something. Apparently you can actually come out of that thinking you slept, but idk how, it sounds very disorienting and not restful at all.
Holy shit that’s even worse - like a guaranteed way to seriously damage mental health.
This is the unfortunate implications of split brain experiments. I wonder if we cna talk them i to splitting their Brian so they can doubble their apm?
I’m biphasic, thought the second sleep period is definetly longer than 30 min. Usually I shoot for 1-2 hours.
90 minutes is my sweet spot for sure.
It seems like it’s trying to say the later ones give you more time awake but I’m closest to everyman with everything scaled up by like 80%.
It’s in the link, go look there!
It’s unihemispheric sleep.