PorkrollPosadist [he/him]

CNC machinist, absentee mastodon landlord, jack of all trades

Talk to me about astronomy, photography, electronics, ham radio, programming, the means of production, and how we might expropriate them.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020

  • First of all, there are two different drivers for the DS4 - hid_sony and hid_playstation. hid_playstation is a relatively new one, developed by Sony. hid_sony is an older one which had been reverse engineered years earlier. There was a good stretch of time where hid_sony worked perfectly for me, but now I seem to need hid_playstation. On Gentoo, since about a year ago, I have had to manually enable hid_playstation in the kernel menuconfig (which required enabling an additional LED driver first) and use it instead of hid_sony to get my DS4 working. Otherwise I had problems where it would work some nights, not work at all others, or just the trackpad would work for some reason.

  • Without NATO aid, Ukraine will just plainly be taken over by Purine Russia.

    The war would end, a whole lot of people would stop getting killed, and it would open a sliver of space to organize on class lines instead of nationalist ones.

    As it is, it is basically illegal to be a communist or an anarchist in Ukraine, and the country is under martial law with NATO-armed and trained fascist brigades doling out summary justice. Could it get worse? Why should the left advocate for people to die on the hill of a country which arrests communists, dismantles labor unions, and liquidates public infrastructure on internet auctions for foreign investors?

    If you take the most vulgar Anarchist approach, all states are bad, full stop. Political practice doesn’t even operate on that paradigm. You struggle to undermine oppressive hierarchical systems that you come in direct contact with through direct action. If you take the vulgar Leninist approach, the Proletariat should struggle for the overthrow of their Bourgeoisie (this would include the proletariat of Ukraine and Russia respectively, as well as the proletariat of Western countries which see this conflict only as a means to strengthen their military alliances and diplomatic positions). Of course, the situation is too nuanced to apply such a vulgar approach, but that should be the STARTING POINT for anybody who considers themselves anti-capitalists. You should be able to justify any deviation from those bedrock positions.