“Wow so cyberpunk! Omg a train goes through a building!!! Wow it looks like I’m at ground level but I’m actually 20 stories up!”
Fuck, as a westerner who low key wants to go to Chongqing I am now owned :/
It might be pedestrian to the people living there but ofc I’m gonna be astonished by actual infrastructure and development lol. It’s very impressive and beautiful
never listen to the haters. you pog out as much as you want
To be fair 90% if the people in Chongqing soyfacing over everything are other Chinese people. It’s a very cool city.
Chongqing is so radically different from any western city that it shocks the conscious of whities who have never had the opportunity to conceive of a different historical path.
basically I’d be having a disassociative episode if I got to walk the streets of Chongqing.
ngl i would be soyfacing too
So people in Chongqing are the New Yorkers of China?
Tbf, Chongqing seems a lot cleaner than NYC.
No thats Shanghai 10000%
Is the Diarrhea Clinic real?
Yes. I’ve seen it many times. It’s right by the plaza that’s actually 20 stories up.
Here’s my pic from back in July.
Is that like a bad translation or is it literally a medical clinic that specifically treats diarrhea?
I never bothered to check. But I see no reason why it isn’t.
Just translated it. It’s an intestinal clinic. So yeah, bad translation
So it’s G.I. stuff, so like I can get upper and lower scopes there, polyps removed, that sort of thing?
I’m guessing yeah
wait it’s a real place and not just a Hitman 3 map?
It’s not my fault they’ve lived there so long they got used to it, that’s both both novel and cool.
Would love to go to Chongqing and unironically soyface over it architecturally. It also is Sichuan (well, sort of, it borders it, but technically Chongqing is a directly administered municipality) which has the best food imo.
Sichuan objectively has the best food.
Visiting places is cringe. Just Streetview it.
Or perhaps the layout seems intriguing and you want to experience / tour a bit of what it would be like to live there to help understand your own life in a weird way.
I’ve seen leftists online (seemingly) un-ironically say travel is oppressive and all people should never venture more than 50 miles from their place of birth.
I think they’re joking, but, yeah, that is a really weird Left thing. I understand having a class analysis about who can travel but I don’t pay attention to people who say not to do it at all. Traveling is one of the most meaningful experiences I have in life. You should still go, if you can!
And it sounds more like they’re making fun of influencers posting those videos which is understandable—not necessarily tourists just being awed. But if they made fun of tourists is like New Yawkers making fun of tourists for standing around and clogging the streets looking up at skyscrapers, or Parisians making fun of tourists who don’t speak perfect French, or whatever other city making fun of outsiders. Everyone does it in different ways. You’re going to be impressed if you go because you’re not taking that extraordinary feat of humanity for granted.
I think they’re joking
At least two were on here and they sounded pretty serious.
I can perhaps understand the analysis that modern bourgeois tourism isn’t really sustainable, but I think “never leave the commune you were born in” is a little radical. The USSR actually had a good variety of travel within the Union, Cuba has state run beach resorts, I think there can be a sustainable model of tourism.
I’ve seen leftists online (seemingly) un-ironically say travel is oppressive and all people should never venture more than 50 miles from their place of birth.
Virgin Confucius: “It’s pleasing to see friends from afar”
Chad Laozi: “There’s no need to travel further than the sound of a village rooster’s cry”
Funny coming from a guy who rode an ox to India
Makes LDRs impossible, literally lesbophobic.
a good friend of mine goes off about this occaisionally lol. It comes from a good place, but ultimately is a bit unhinged.
I recall some user on here going on a rant that nobody should ever have a career as an artist or be famous as an artist far outside of their place of residence and said Picasso should be a coal miner.
Art is a bourgeois establishment. It’s an affront to humanity. Every gallery should be bulldozed and the artists should all be given 30 years of hard labour in Yekokataa.
I mean yeah, fair
I feel like I would not have a good time there because I’ve got immense fear of heights/agoraphobia/autistic vertigo¹
¹dunno if that’s a real thing but I’ve heard that this is an autistic thing
Also a westerner, I also would love to go there. It popped up in my YT feed maybe 6 months ago and I’ve been dying to go there since. It’s ok to like things I think
It’s a cool tourist city for the Chinese visitors as well. Watch any of the videos on it and look at all the Chinese people marveling at their culture’s own achievements. Especially the train through the building. That’s not a thing you see pretty much anywhere else in the world except maybe a few places, though I can’t think of any offhand.
Disney World is the only one I can think of.
For some reason I think there is something similar somewhere in Japan and maybe in a European city. I don’t think either are exactly the same.