Funniest part

Freethinking intellectuals: “We don’t care about the stupid so called ‘experts’ providing their woke accreditation standards to our work! But we really care about you being employed!”

Also freethinking intellectuals:

I really like how conservatives complain about liberals/leftists wasting money on underwater lesbian basketweaving studies, but then turn around and waste their money on a bunch of useless sociology shit like this as well

    1 month ago

    I’m waiting for the STEM programme:

    • The Physics Of Fitting All Them Animals In One Dinky Ark
    • Line Goes Up, Never Goes Down (Conservation of Bank Balances)
    • Using Optics To Look Less Like The Dessicated Husk A Necromancer Left Behind After Plaving What Little Soul You Had Into A Cubic Zirconia Flake
    • Non-Woke Arithematic. We all know “6” is in bed with the liberal agenda, so we’ll substitute the red-blooded “Extra Five.”