Senator John Thune previously denounced Trump for role in Capitol attack in 2021 but now vows to back him in 2024 election

The second-highest ranking Republican in the US Senate, John Thune of South Dakota, endorsed for president Donald Trump – the man he previously called “inexcusable” for seeking to overturn the 2020 election and inciting the deadly January 6 attack on Congress.

Multiple media outlets reported Thune’s endorsement. They also swiftly pointed out statements made by Thune after the 2021 US Capitol attack, now linked to nine deaths, more than 1,200 arrests and hundreds of convictions, some for seditious conspiracy.

    7 months ago

    You know how dems are always telling us to hold our nose and vote? How is this any different?

    Okay, sure, so he’s destroying democracy | bombing children, but we can’t let the other guys win…

      7 months ago

      Biden will NOT destroy democracy if he wins, Trump will bomb children even harder if he wins. How is this so hard for people to understand? It’s one thing if you want to register a protest vote against the two party system, but don’t pretend that the administration’s stance on Israel is your reason when the opponent’s position is even worse. Do people just forget that Trump kissed Bibi’s ass and moved the embassy to Jerusalem as a big F U to the Palestinians and as a virtue signal to his base?

        7 months ago

        I wasn’t suggesting that Biden would destroy democracy, but that Trump would.

        They both stand for awful, horrible things.

        If it is hypocritical and amoral for republicans to stow their conscience and basic decency in order to help their team win, then it is also hypocritical and amoral for democrats to do the same.

        You call one cowardice, but the other pragmatism. And that, in itself, is hypocrisy.

        And if you’re suggesting that people should just have faith that Biden will magically ‘pivot’ to a less-genocidal position after the election, then I present you with the same hollow laughter that I gave Trump supporters who eagerly and futilely expected him to become a decent human being after he won.

        If you hold that democracy is valid, then the voters are right by definition.

        And in that case, a politician who fails to be good enough to attract their vote is entirely to blame for that failure. And if the alternative is disaster and chaos (as I agree is on the cards if Camacho Harkonnen gets in again), that only increases their obligation not to be such a goddamn fuckup.

        Instead of playing chicken with the whole damn world while lining his pockets with sweet, sweet military-industrial-complex money, maybe he could cut his profit margin back just a little, stop bombing children and handily defeat the great orange turd while he was at it. Win fucking win.

        But no, we can’t possibly have that, can we?

        And if we can’t, why precisely the fuck should we be blackmailed into supporting him anyway?

        Did you ever watch Cabin in the Woods, by any chance?

          7 months ago

          You misunderstand, my point is that the Trump will destroy democracy, Biden won’t. Both will likely allow the genocide to go largely unchallenged.

          So it’s not a matter of conscience when we don’t have a real choice in the matter.

          In fact, I don’t think my conscience could stomach seeing Trump kiss Bibi’s ass for another four years. At least there is SOME movement from the administration on the issue even if it’s just lip service.