Macrophages just want to watch the whole body burn.
From what I’ve read, anything over about 101F is doing more harm than good.
That’s 38C for anyone out of the US
311 Kelvin for anyone who is an absolutist
560 Rankine for absolutists who wish to stick with Fahrenheit
Pretty sure it’s anything at 42°C or above that is a vital emergency, as it starts to destroy neurons
39°C is basically a normal fever
I just converted what they said
Then convert better next time! (/s)
That’s not very high
38C is a nice handful, not a temperature.
This does not appear to match the evidence anymore:
The body is generally unable to raise the core temperature to the point where it can cause permanent damage, unless the ambient temperature is high. That is, unless there is a pre-existing heart or other vital organ condition.
In fact, fevers >=39C (102.2F) showed better outcomes in covid patients.
I thought danger was at 104F??
Apparently, ~108F, but generally, the body needs help to get there.
To me Macrophages are the single most interesting creatures(symbiotes?) in the human body. I’ve read so much about them yet know so little.
Its their body, we are just the pilot.
Haha, yeah, sounds about right! No neurons, yet so determined.
Watch cells at work, you will thank me later
I’ve had this Excel workbook open for an hour now and my boss is asking why I’m just staring at it. But thank you?
It was an Excel joke.
you could say… it was a very good joke
You could say that he excelled at making jokes!
This sort of confusion just sheets me.
I only know ibuprofen as a pain killer, but good to know it can also reduce fever!
It blocks inflammation of all sorts
It was the key drug being deployed during the covid war. I survived tks to it. Saw god a few times.
Reading this makes me think it was thorazine instead of ibuprofen.
DMT is more likely.
Interesting, as someone who takes Suboxone, I avoid Tylenol because of potential liver issues. I was told during the pandemic that ibuprofen caused things to be worse. It was a confusing time and a very scary time.
It’s hard to know what info to trust these days.
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Having a fever I can deal with, but I will immediately take some meds to not have a headache. Unfortunately, usually a fever comes with a headache.:(
Ibuprofen does not reduce a fever, it reduces inflammation. Tylenol would have made this meme work
Edit: I was wrong
The first sentence on ibuprofens wikipedia page under “Medical uses”:
Ibuprofen is used primarily to treat fever
Anti-inflammatories reduce fevers, are there even anti-inflammatories that don’t have that effect to some extent?
So I was about to correct you that Tylenol is actually acetaminophen; turns out paracetamol is just another name for the same chemical. TIL
they both come from the chemical name - para-acetylamino-phenol (or, more proper, N-acetyl-para-aminophenol). random people chose different parts to shorten the name
Huh. I didn’t know that either.
Paracetamol is not anti-inflammatory in any serious context, which is to say taking paracetamol to reduce actual inflammation (think gout or rheumatoid arthritis) is more or less useless. From the wikipedia article on paracetamol:
Paracetamol inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by reducing the active form of COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. This occurs only when the concentration of arachidonic acid and peroxides is low. Under these conditions, COX-2 is the predominant form of cyclooxygenase, which explains the apparent COX-2 selectivity of paracetamol. Under the conditions of inflammation, the concentration of peroxides is high, which counteracts the reducing effect of paracetamol. Accordingly, the anti-inflammatory action of paracetamol is slight.
It is, however, an analgesic.
Man what is pain relief anyway
like it doesn’t seem to work after I wake up
I’ll be damned, I was almost certain it wasn’t an antipyretic, but it looks like I was wrong. Thanks for correcting me.
You didn’t need to use such condescending language though, there was no need to be rude.
Apologies. I do think making it sting a little when correcting someone on something they should have double checked, is warranted, if for no other reason than to make it clear to others reading which take to go home with.
But in response to your edit I’ve softened my correction as well.
When you post wrong information online you’re responsible for perpetuating idiocy. Someone who had better things to do had to go out of their way, waste their time, to correct you.
Think before you post.
I made a mistake on a public forum, I was corrected, then I edited my post to acknowledge my mistake.
Your comment suggests that no one should ever make a mistake. Your comment is an insult to the very nature of human behavior, that mistakes are an inevitably, and should be embraced and understood.
Your comment is insulting and naive, and shows your lack of development beyond a typical teenage cynic. For your sake, I genuinely hope you’re in your teenage years, because otherwise the likelihood of you developing into an empathetic functioning adult isn’t great.
You can try to minimize your stupidity, but spreading blatant, easily-researched misinformation is way more than an innocent mistake."
The fact that you feel compelled to make excuses for something you just never should have typed in the first place (embrace your stupid, unnecessary lie? Are you serious?)
What we need to teach people is that they don’t need to chime in to online conversations with unsolicited lies.
You’re a nasty little troll. It does make me smile to think about how miserable you must be though.
Aw shucks, another situation where the truth would make you sad
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Take both at the same time. They’re synergistic and will reduce pain, inflammation, and fever better than a higher dose of each by themselves
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Dude I was providing some useful information because not everyone knows everything all the time and it may help someone while they’re hurting dude lol. I was merely expanding on the topic dude. No need to be a condescending ass guy lol
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Nevermind that Tylenol’s effective ingredient is paracetamol, which is also “just” an anti-inflammatory.
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Paracetamol is not considered an anti-inflammatory.
Big yikes
Tylenol is a brand of acetaminophen, which is bad for your liver.
I am bad for my liver.
It’s metabolized by your liver, so is fat. It has a safe and therapeutic dosage range.
Aspirin is bad for your liver as well, especially for kids. It disrupts the electron transport chain in the Krebs cycle which leads to fatty acids not being converted and since they don’t belong into the mitochondria, they are expunged into small deposits in the liver. It’s called microvesicular steatosis, or more commonly called fat liver.
Can’t ibuprofen also damage your liver?
My understanding is that ibuprofen is processed in the kidneys, and if Tylenol was up for FDA approval today it would go down in flames due to safety concerns
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Ibuprofen (or NSAIDs in general) is bad for the liver as well and worse for the kidneys.
Edit: confused kidneys and liver.