Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ® and the state’s surgeon general are advising against the use of updated COVID-19 vaccines for anyone under the age of 65, a move that counters a new recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Speaking Wednesday on a panel with other physicians who have cast doubt on the COVID vaccine — including some who lobbied Trump administration officials to back the “herd immunity” theory — Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo expressed concerns over the shot’s safety, saying incorrectly that there was “not a drop of clinical trial data” supporting the vaccines.

“We continue to live in a world where the CDC and the [Food and Drug Administration], when it comes to COVID at least, are just beating their own path in a direction that’s inexplicable in terms of thinking about data and in thinking about common sense,” Ladapo said.

  • Jordan Lund@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    And the heart condition! No, wait, I already HAD the heart attack and open heart surgery in 2018 and the myocarditis in 2019…

    I laughed so hard when they were going on about myocarditis… No shit it hurts like a son of a bitch. Feels like you’re being stabbed right in the goddamned heart.

    It actually hurt worse than when I had the actual heart attack. But my doc explained it can be caused by ANY infection, take some anti-inflammatories and it would be fine.