Hey, he’s like, just this guy, you know?

  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The Supreme Court was thrown into chaos because republicans refused to appoint any justices under Obama

    Now, now, Obama DID get Sotomayor and Kagan. McConnell only blocked Merrick Garland.

    That being said, in my lifetime, Democratic Presidents have only put FIVE members on the court, Republicans got 15. Carter is the one who drew a blank.

    Nixon/Ford got as many in their two terms as all the Democrats since then COMBINED.


    Ginsburg, Ruth Bader - Clinton
    Breyer, Stephen G. - Clinton
    Sotomayor, Sonia - Obama
    Kagan, Elena - Obama
    Jackson, Ketanji Brown - Biden

    Burger, Warren Earl - Nixon
    Blackmun, Harry A. - Nixon
    Powell, Lewis F., Jr. - Nixon
    Rehnquist, William H. - Nixon
    Stevens, John Paul - Ford
    O’Connor, Sandra Day - Reagan
    Scalia, Antonin - Reagan
    Kennedy, Anthony M. - Reagan
    Souter, David H. - Bush, G. H. W.
    Thomas, Clarence - Bush, G. H. W.
    Roberts, John G., Jr. - Bush, G. W.
    Alito, Samuel A., Jr. - Bush, G. W.
    Gorsuch, Neil M. - Trump
    Kavanaugh, Brett M. - Trump
    Barrett, Amy Coney - Trump