That reminds me of an image I meant to create myself once., can you show me a painting, reminiscent of Magritte’s pipe, but replace the pipe with an emoji poo, and the text with, “Ceci n’est pas une poop.”
why do i feel like this should be one of those source engine showcases? camera flying around pikachu as the music swells in the background, lights blasting around it to show off the realtime shading… draw for me a picture of static without a dog in the middle
Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: a picture of static without a dog in the middle
Style: flux
None of these look even remotely like static lmao draw for me a picture of static without a tax return in the middle
They’re not moving, and thus static
Also there are no dogs. Ask Magritte. Draw me a canvas without a pipe in the middle
I love the juxtaposition of being insanely literal, and so very much not.
Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: an canvas without a pipe in the middle
Style: flux
Yup. Those sure ain’t no pipes. Good job, AI.
That reminds me of an image I meant to create myself once., can you show me a painting, reminiscent of Magritte’s pipe, but replace the pipe with an emoji poo, and the text with, “Ceci n’est pas une poop.”
that is absolutely true
deleted by creator
Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: a picture of static without a tax return in the middle
Style: flux
That one made me laugh more than I am comfortable with draw a picture of my surprise at learning you exist
Here is a picture showing your surprise at learning that I exist
“the bot didn’t do it so i did it myself”
why do i feel like this should be one of those source engine showcases? camera flying around pikachu as the music swells in the background, lights blasting around it to show off the realtime shading…
This makes me uncomfortable in ways I can’t quite put into words
i just want to know if it knows what kobolds look like in pathfinder draw for me a kobold from pathfinder second edition
Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: a kobold from pathfinder second edition
Style: flux
it does not know what kobolds look like in pathfinder. i’ve never been so sad
In Japan, kobolds are dogs!
the pathfinder ones just have to be my favorite. like look at this they’re just so cute:
Okay that’s very adorable.
The ai horde actually supports negative prompts though, so it could do this.