• Evu
    1 month ago

    I think this system has the potential to achieve its objective, if it doesn’t end up causing more confusion. Five brackets might be kind of a lot, although I hear what Gavin’s saying about why they went up from three, and 40 “game-changers” is definitely a lot. Nobody will or should try to memorize what’s a game-changer, especially if the list can fluctuate the same as a ban list. It might be better to try to use categories that explain why the game-changing cards are a problem… except that Gavin did exactly that in the article, and it’s still a fairly long list.

    All of my Commander decks would be in bracket 1 or 2 and my main question is how to decide which. Most don’t have sub-optimal card choices to fit a theme, but all have sub-optimal card choices for budget reasons, and I’m not sure whether any of them are really a fair match for a precon. Should I say “bracket 1.5”?