We need a general strike in the USA. Let’s make a list of demands, pick a date, and threaten to withhold our labour and crash the economy on that date unless the demands are met. Organize general strikes across multiple industries, boycott anti-union companies, maybe even do bank runs and deliberate attempts to crash the stock market and weaken the US dollar. Get the campaign to trend and go viral on other online platforms. Organize concerts and art fairs to raise money for strike funds to support the striking workers.
here’s my ideas for demands to start
- Medicare for All
- 4-day work week
- $15 minimum wage
- Unionize Amazon, Walmart, and Starbucks
good strike dates:
- may 1 - international workers’ day
- july 4 - independence day
- sep 1 - labor day
- nov 28 - black friday
Someone tries this every month
Me taking the day off every time someone makes a post like this and writing “general strike” for the reason.
General Strikes are escalated to not planned. That’s why the AFL the most idiotic union basically banned escalations into a general strike by requiring striking locals to have national authorization or risk getting kicked out of the union. This was in response to the Seattle General Strike which happened in Feb 1919 and the AFL amended the constition in June 1919. Similary Taft-Hartley which outlaws general strikes in the US was passed in 1947 was a response to the Oakland General Strike of 1946.
Also lol at #3 what is this? 2012?
AFL-CIA etc (comprador union regardless)
You can’t declare a general strike.
Sadly doesn’t really work like that. Are you a member of a union?
There’s been like a million general strike declarations over the past few years, generally doesn’t accomplish much. There’s a lot working against us.
Very good bit
Unless this is being organized by and supported by a wide range of unions and other worker focused political groups, no it doesn’t.
The general strike being planned by the major unions is being planned for May 1 2028
I heard that several major unions had been planning to align their contract expiration dates like this but has there been any serious talk about this leading to a general strike?
My union is trying to align. I think more it would be a general strike just because of the aligned contracts (i.e give everyone what they want or they all strike)
My understanding that serious talks are underway comes from side conversation comments during podcast episodes of Behind the Bastards. I looked up which episode the staff of Cool Zone Media (Behind the Bastards & Company) were referring to and found this one:
It Could Happen Here: The 2028 General Strike and Climate Change
Episode webpage: https://omny.fm/shows/it-could-happen-here/2024-10-14-ichh-climate-strike
I have not listened to this episode myself but I understand it’s the one that discussed the general strike of 2028.
The general strike was last Wednesday, why weren’t you there? Everyone was asking about you
May 1, 2028 is the date
Prepare now!
I know things take a while to prep for but I’ve always felt like that date was toooo far off.
…Then again I get excited over space missions, I’m used to waiting the better half of a decade for things.
See you at r/generalstrike comrade.
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You don’t need to wait until may to start working on demand 4 also, I think you need more time than 4 months
Revolution starts on November 7th, 2025 pass it on.
Hell yeah. Wildcat!
How about a cap on executive pay? Maybe as some differential vs. the lowest paid employee. Call it 10×. If your lowest paid employee earns $50,000, nobody in the company can earn over $500,000 in total compensation.
A cap on wealth: anything over $1B in gross assets (including stocks, real estate, and other investments) is taxed at 100%. The revenue from this tax should be set aside to fund social safety net and small business development programs.
Now, with a large enough strike, the demands can get even broader:
All political campaigns must be funded by the national government. Each candidate who reaches some required threshold of support gets a grant. Individual donations may be accepted up to a defined cap, and business donations up to a separate cap. Each of these are publicly visible; business donations are individually listed, but individual donations are reported as a lump sum only. Donations must be kept in escrow accounts until the campaign officially accepts them. These caps can be set based on the ‘size’ of the election, given that a national election necessarily requires more resources than a local one.
All elections move to ranked choice.