• @Evu
    61 month ago

    When they started doing borderless cards and showcase art, I thought they were going to use those things as an excuse to stop printing foils. “Let’s face it, we’ve never been able to figure out how to make foils that last, but it’s okay because we’ve got multiple other cool, popular premium treatments to take their place.” But here we are years later and they’re just… still printing foils? Even though they don’t have to?

    If I were in a draft and got passed a foil and non-foil version of the same card, I would most likely take the non-foil.

    • @yggdrasil
      330 days ago

      Let’s face it, we’ve never been able to figure out how to make foils that last

      This is a recent issue. I have foils from Innistrad and Dark Ascension as well as judge promo foils from when that was the only way to get foils that are just as flat as my nonfoils. I also have an unopened box of Commander Legends Collectors Boosters that is twice as thick in the center as it is on the edges.

      • @Evu
        230 days ago

        Yeah, maybe “never” wasn’t the right word. But whatever they changed, I figure if they were willing and able to change it back, they probably would have done it by now.