I just moved my shop (an LGS) to a new location, and i found one of my rule books that used to come in the Alpha and Beta starter decks (i think they came in Unlimited and Revised too, unsure of that as i never purchased any of either set).
I am going to try and scan the entire thing tomorrow.
Album: https://imgur.com/a/AzzKy65
I scanned the book, it is not my best scan job. But it is a start. I will try and get a better scan done soon. The last page (back cover) I scanned with a Beta Mountain so you can see the book is actually the size of a Magic card. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8jhlpz3rhgfo1qwd4nb09/20240412161730_001.pdf?rlkey=84ji9xnfqoremoxjdq90imam4&dl=0
Wow, even the original rulebook was over 40 pages. To think Magic has only gotten more complex since then…
I love the narration of the sample game. “The Sprites thus wing merrily over to your opponent…”. And the “Mana Chart” that gives the rationale for each of the colors.
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