saying something this edgy does not absolve you of bigotry

edit: for anyone stumbling into the drama, i probably should have elaborated on this post. I am not saying you can’t make fun of white people not being able to eat spicy food or anything, but at some point it becomes self-flagellating. to quote comrade RedQuestionAsker:

It’s good to challenge white supremacy in all of its incarnations at all time. It’s certainly good to refuse to be proud to be white considering what the concept of whiteness is.

It’s another thing to performatively hate yourself in a cocktail of millennial self-deprecation and liberal white guilt. It’s not revolutionary, and it’s probably not good for you.

that is all. comrades just know i dont hate any of you. i’m not trying to start a slapfight. i just saw this as weird performative behavior and wanted to call it out.

  • On a non edgy note, being white but having class consciousness and being anti racist in cracker town USA sucks. The shit white people say to you that they think is acceptable is insane. It’s like the power and privilege just poisons their souls. Whiteness as an institution/class, whatever it is, legit needs to be destroyed.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    8 months ago

    Personally, I would like to see some of that energy being used for more productive anti-racist actions

    But then again, this a website for little goofy people sometimes and that means that people will be little and goofy sometimes

  • niph [she/her]
    8 months ago

    As a poc I hate seeing these jokes because I worry that the poster thinks this is what poc actually want and are “aligning” in some misguided way with us, which just feeds into the “hur hur what if whites were a minority they would be treated just as badly as today’s minorities” nonsense from the chuds

    Did that paragraph make any sense I just woke up

  • GaveUp [love/loves]
    8 months ago

    I agree, it’s incredibly self serving and you’re not fooling anybody

    I bet many other POC feel the same as me but I rarely even complain about white people here because I know it’s like 90% white so it’s just an audience that could never empathize with what I’m saying

    • SerLava [he/him]
      8 months ago

      most people HERE specifically are probably doing it to signify either that it’s funny, or that they aren’t silently brooding, or to make fun of the lemmy people taking it seriously. It’s more like a “har har” than going doe-eyed and slowly nodding like “yeah no, I know, I know, actually my partner and I decided against having children because white supremacy is…”

      ymmv for other groups of people