And cameras aren’t allowed in federal trials. That’s the real crime here.

  • Raging LibTarg
    14911 months ago

    "We’ll have fun on the stand with all of these people that say the Presidential Election wasn’t Rigged and Stollen [sic],” Trump posted, adding an all-caps claim it’ll be “THE TRIAL OF THE CENTURY!!!”

    When we were told as youngsters that “any one of you could be the president of the United States!”, I never imagined it could be interpreted as a warning rather than something meant to motivate young minds. 🤦🏽‍♂️

      4311 months ago

      Lmao “Stollen”. I think I’ve eaten some Stollen while in Germany.

      Dude, how was this our guy for four years? How did he slip through two impeachments? He’s a walking conundrum, or I guess I spelled that wrong, too. He’s a walking covfefe

      • Raging LibTarg
        2611 months ago

        Dude, how was this our guy for four years? How did he slip through two impeachments?

        Lol how long do you have? The short, super-oversimplified answer is, the Orange One’s ability to stay in office is the entire reason why Fox News was created; to spin/omit bad information so that their audience believes their politicians can do no wrong, and in effect, so that their preferred presidents could never be removed from office.

        There’s also the fact that a lot of stupid, hateful assholes put him in office literally so that folks like you and I would suffer.

        Honestly, no matter how detailed I could get about how the Trump presidency happened, I too find myself asking “how the fuck did this all happen??”, and I just don’t fucking know, man. I don’t fucking know.

      1211 months ago

      Yeah, but we never told the kid that had Elmer’s glue on his breath, meowed unironically, and would pull down his pants for attention. Now he’s seeking a second term.

      I guess conservatives are right, the “everyone gets a trophy” class produced some shit people.

    • Fuck Yankies
      511 months ago

      You’d better become president, or else…! *shakes fist menacingly*

    11511 months ago

    By fun he means pleading the 5th to everything.

    After all it was Trump who famously said that only criminals take the 5th.

  • Hello_there
    8411 months ago

    Cameras not being allowed is actually really good in this case. Using a court hearing as a campaign event isn’t how things should be done

      2411 months ago

      You’re not wrong but I wonder how it would play out. The judge is king in the courtroom and even a Trump appointee wouldn’t let Trump steamroll them in their own kingdom. So either they’d boot him or Trump would have to stfu and behave after he spent all that time cracking on the court proceedings. Images of a castrated, silent Trump all over the news next to headlines of him saying how much ‘fun’ he was going to have would be interesting.

      But I know none of Trumps remaining base are salvageable and Republicans would vote for him regardless so not like it would matter, it would just be interesting.

        2411 months ago

        I don’t know…. I want to believe that you’re right, but I’ve been VERY wrong at how far people will go in giving him leeway on bullshit.

        Like the insanity that EDUCATED PEOPLE will spout because of their inability to admit they were wrong about Trump….

        Truly scary.

          911 months ago

          I’m more relying on the fact that judges take their control over a courtroom very personally. I’m sure there are plenty that would love to give Trump legal leeway but even they wouldn’t tolerate Trump making them look like they can’t control their own court.

        11 months ago

        There’s no way he would testify in any court proceeding where he doesn’t have to. This is just public bluster like always. It seems like the only good advice he takes from his lawyers is to avoid testifying to anything under oath.

        211 months ago

        Can you imagine if a judge ordered a gag be placed on him to stop him from talking? Are they still allowed to do that? They used to be able to at one time.

      811 months ago

      Using a court hearing as a campaign event isn’t how things should be done

      Beer Hall Putsch

      The putsch brought Hitler to the attention of the German nation for the first time and generated front-page headlines in newspapers around the world. His arrest was followed by a 24-day trial, which was widely publicised and gave him a platform to express his nationalist sentiments to the nation. Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in Landsberg Prison,[note 2] where he dictated Mein Kampf to fellow prisoners Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess. On 20 December 1924, having served only nine months, Hitler was released.[4][5]

    • Nougat
      411 months ago

      I feel like there should be a video recording of the proceedings, but that it should be sealed until after the verdict and sentencing.

      • girlfreddy
        511 months ago

        Honestly I’d be happy with court transcripts at this point.

        • Nougat
          511 months ago

          Oh we’ll definitely get to see those, also probably after the case is all wrapped up, but video carries a lot more information, especially when you’re talking about a shriveled carrot swinger like Trump.

    4011 months ago

    He talks a big game when not under oath. If he ever gets under oath it’s just a lot of boring ass 5th amendment and I don’t recalls.

    • snooggums
      511 months ago

      I say there is a 100% chance that he won’t take the stand.

      • sab
        1211 months ago

        I’m pretty sure he genuinely wants to speak his heart out, and that his lawyers are doing everything in their power to get him to shut up for once.

        • scytale
          11 months ago

          He’s just saying that so when he eventually does not take the stand, he can proclaim to his followers that he wanted to but he’s being prevented by the powers that be.

          • sab
            511 months ago

            I think this is overestimating his intelligence.

    1611 months ago

    Since I’m seeing people claiming that he’d plead 5A when questioned -

    A defendant that chooses to testify in court has waived their 5A rights. A prosecutor can not compel a defendant to testify–that’s where 5A comes in–but if a defendant chooses to testify, then they may not refuse to answer relevant questions. Answering questions untruthfully if you’ve chosen to testify is, by itself, a crime. If a defendant lies, which Trump is almost certain to do, then the prosecutor can call rebuttal witnesses to prove that the defendant was lying under oath.

    Witnesses–people not on trial–can plead 5A and refuse to answer questions. Prosecutors will sometimes give witnesses immunity from prosecution for truthful testimony; that negates the 5A interest.

  • ThrowawayOnLemmy
    1011 months ago

    Stop listening to what he says and start watching what he does. He will say whatever he needs to in the moment. You can’t rely on what he says ever

    711 months ago
    1. is there a community that shares his “Truths” similar to that other site so I don’t have to give them traffic?
    2. I legitimately think someone changed his Alexa/Siri activation quote to “HAMBERDERS” or “MOAR COVFEFE” years ago. That is the only way I can rationalize his random tirades.
    • Flying SquidOP
      311 months ago

      I didn’t think of the fact that his “truths” or whatever they call them were embedded, not screenshots. That sucks. I wish I had found a better source now.

        211 months ago

        Oh no, I meant there was a sub that shared screenshots of his rants so people could watch the dumpster fire without giving clicks.

        • Flying SquidOP
          211 months ago

          Oh I see what you mean. It seems like every time he belches out a new one it gets reported on anyway. You can see why he doesn’t bother going back to Twitter.