Donald Trump continues to have a low favorability score among Americans, new polling shows, despite being the likely Republican nominee after winning the lion’s share of primaries and seeing off his only remaining rival.

An ABC News/Ipsos survey of 536 U.S. adults, conducted between March 8-9, found that 29 percent have a favorable view of the former president compared to 59 percent who view him unfavorably.

It came after Trump secured all but one of the primaries on Super Tuesday—giving him 1,075 out of 1,215 delegates he needs to become the presumptive Republican nominee—which prompted former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley to drop out of the race to leave him unopposed. Primaries being held on Tuesday could push Trump over the line.

Trump’s popularity has remained largely unchanged since last summer. In similar polls conducted last year, which have a margin of error of 4.5 percent either way, he has hovered around a 30 percent favorability rating.

    8 months ago

    If you live in one of these 18 states, don’t even bother going anywhere to vote. I get my primary ballot, and my general ballot in the mail just over one month before election day. As long as it has a postmark on or before election day, (don’t wait till election day) it is a valid vote.

    If you don’t live in one of the 18, flood your state legislature with calls, emails, and visits to their office in support of mail in voting measures. This is so much better for everyone.

    I don’t have to stand in a line, I don’t have to remember an exact day. I get the envelope and within a week or two I sit down with the ballot, and the ballot guide, and then start looking for news stories about the candidates that are not from the current campaign year. It helps remind me that, oh yeah, this Democrat decided to embezzle a bunch of money a couple years back, better check the competition out. It normally only takes me a few hours, but I have their vote history, and everything else I need to try to pick someone that isn’t gonna screw anyone over.