One of the amazing political achievements of Republicans in this election cycle has been their ability, at least so far, to send Donald Trump’s last year in office down the memory hole. Voters are supposed to remember the good economy of January 2020, with its combination of low unemployment and low inflation, while forgetting about the plague year that followed.

Since Trump’s romp in the Super Tuesday primaries, however, the ex-president and his surrogates have begun trying to pull off an even more impressive act of revisionism: portraying his entire presidency — even 2020, that awful first pandemic year — as pure magnificence. On Wednesday, Representative Elise Stefanik, the chair of the House Republican Conference, tried echoing Ronald Reagan: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

And Trump himself, in his Tuesday night victory speech, reflected wistfully on his time in office as one in which “our country was coming together.”

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    7 months ago

    My pet theory is he knew he was losing the Romney Republicans hard. So he knew he had to juice his support amongst his actual base: the crazies. COVID was therefore the perfect wedge issue for Trump and Trump alone. Any other candidate would listen to the doctors, put them on TV, and win. Yes, think Bush in 2004.

    But he was in a bind because his rabid supporters hated being told what to do.

    So he tried to play both sides like always. He invented the vaccine, but you didn’t have to take it. COVID is fake, but I’m blocking people from China (weeks too late). Etc.

    So how did his vote count increase from 2016? I think a bunch of alcoholics and people who don’t know how to have fun except taking their kids to Applebee’s voted for him. They desperately wanted the rules and the closures to be done so they could leave the house. That simple. He juiced a little more of the rabidly selfish people who rarely vote, whereas a lot of his “hold your nose” voters voted for Biden or stayed at home.

    He’d really painted himself into a corner on listening to experts.