Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker indicated on the show he was a proponent of the “Seven Mountains Mandate,” an explicitly theocratic doctrine at the heart of Christian nationalism.

Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker, who wrote the concurring opinion in last week’s explosive Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos have the same rights as living children, recently appeared on a show hosted by self-anointed “prophet” and QAnon conspiracy theorist.

Parker was the featured guest on “Someone You Should Know,” hosted by Johnny Enlow, a Christian nationalist influencer and devoted supporter of former President Donald Trump. Over the course of an 11-minute interview, Parker articulated a theocratic worldview at odds with a functioning, pluralistic society.

“God created government,” he told Enlow, adding that it’s “heartbreaking” that “we have let it go into the possession of others.”

    8 months ago

    Just being extremely generous and assuming for the sake of argument that every crime that Trump has been proven to have committed was somehow a conspiratorial hit job perpetrated by some massive shadowy leftist cabal. I’ll never understand how the “grab em by the pussy” guy is the Christian choice. How the guy who cultivated the image of ruthless businessman, and who fired people for the sake of entertainment is the Christian choice. The man who famously cited second Corinthians as “two Corinthians” to a room full of evangelical Christians is the Christian choice. How the guy who insults people so regularly and often that there is a whole wikipedia article dedicated to it is the Christian choice. And finally, how the Wharton grad, billionaire New York real estate tycoon somehow doesn’t represent the “coastal elite” which is supposedly the enemy he is fighting against to restore “true Christian values”.

      8 months ago

      Honestly, I’ll never understand how Christianity has become ingrained with right wing politics. Modern day conservative churches are at odds with everything that Christ taught and stood for.

        8 months ago

        Christianity as a governing body has pretty much always been oppressive and against anything progressive.

        Then you take your puritans, who were so far off the horizon of extremities that even established Christian governments in Europe were all like, “dude, you guys are cray-cray,” dump them on the shores of an entirely new continent populated by brown people who don’t speak Jesus, sprinkle in a bunch of beer and guns, add some African slaves, and you’ve got the foundation of the land of the free