Gavin Verhey, one of the lead designers at Wizards, posted an interesting question on Twitter:

“You get to pick one Magic keyword mechanic to return in 2024. What is it?”

What are we bringing back?!

  • AndrewOPMA
    5 months ago

    My crazy long shot that’s never coming back as is, sadly: Dredge. I think it’s such a fun and unique mechanic, and cards like Life from the Loam are excellent examples of how it can be done well.

    More realistically: I’d love to see Buyback again, an old one I loved from Exodus. Capsize every turn!

    • nfh
      65 months ago

      Dredge is really hard to do well though, in that it makes a card playable no matter what else is written on it, and making a card too playable, then adding dredge onto it can easily make it broken enough to pick up bans in eternal formats. It’s such a small design space, but I’d also love to see a few cards try to thread that needle.

      Buyback is fun, Clockspinning in particular stands out as a fun card to play, even if it’s not amazing. Expanding it to creatures would be a fun twist to see it come back with.

      • AndrewOPMA
        45 months ago

        Yeah probably so difficult that even in the 0% chance it does come back the cards would be so neutered that what’s point.

        A low dredge value helps though and even a few that are quirky would be cool. Like a recurring ETB effect on a cheap artifact with dredge 2 that’s heavy on the lore. Something!

    95 months ago

    A weird one, but Provoke. Green has been pretty bad in terms of creature combat lately, and fight spells are basically useless in constructed. I think Provoke is pretty balanced nowadays, given that it’s dependent on attacking and there are already so many value engine permanents that killing 1 creature a turn (excluding the turn it comes down) is strong but not unbalanced. Tacking on a condition or mana cost could also tone it down for lower rarities/mana values).

    My more conventional pick would be Persist, lots of design space and it’s fun to get extra use out of your creatures.

    • AndrewOPMA
      45 months ago

      Wow I completely forgot about this ability! Kind of like a mini [[Lure]]. There seem to be only 9 cards with it too. I think this could be a great ability for green to get more of and makes total sense color-wise.

  • MikeMA
    5 months ago

    inb4 “All abilities are just kicker” 😛 (TCC vid)

    but seriously, I would love to see Buyback as well, I loved Whispers of the Muse and Forbid. Other than Buyback I would also love to see Spectacle come back. I feel like we don’t have enough good Spectacle cards.

    • AndrewOPMA
      35 months ago

      Yeah this would be a great one to see again, I love Convoke too. I just looked it up and I’m surprised there are so few legendary creatures with it, and none that would enable a GW commander deck 😮 Would love to build that one day.

    • Firestorm Druid
      25 months ago

      That new Jeskai legend is pretty fun and a slightly different twist on the generic regular convoke colours and strategies. But that’s commander, of course

    • rigatti
      65 months ago

      How about “Bands with…”

      We can now do such fun things as “Bands with planeswalkers”, “Bands with melded creatures”, and “Bands with vehicles”.