Aside from Esper variations making up a huge chunk of the field, the metagame looks fairly spread out!

Deck Archetype Number of Players Percentage of Field
1. Esper Midrange 20 19.0%
2. Mono-Red Aggro 10 9.5%
3. Esper Legends 9 8.6%
4. Domain Ramp 9 8.6%
5. Golgari Midrange 8 7.6%
6. Mono-White Humans 7 6.7%
7. Rakdos Reanimator 7 6.7%
8. Esper Control 5 4.8%
9. Azorius Soldiers 4 3.8%
10. Invasion of Alara 3 2.9%
11. Mono-Blue Cauldron 3 2.9%
12. Sultai Midrange 3 2.9%
13. Selesnya Enchantments 3 2.9%
14. Grixis Midrange 2 1.9%
15. Rakdos Sacrifice 2 1.9%
16. Bant Control 1 1.0%
17. Rakdos Breach 1 1.0%
18. Azorius Control 1 1.0%
19. Sultai Faeries 1 1.0%
20. Simic Cauldron 1 1.0%
21. Domain Control 1 1.0%
22. Five-color Reanimator 1 1.0%
23. Dimir Faeries 1 1.0%
24. Azorius Tokens 1 1.0%
25. Rakdos Burn 1 1.0%
  • @Evu
    710 months ago

    Surprised to see mono-red aggro with the second largest share; I guess Goddric must have helped it more than I realized. Mono-red is maybe the one archetype that will never be absent from any metagame, but prior to WOE I would not have said it was in a good place in Standard.

  • kajib
    69 months ago

    Esper taking a huge chunk of the field, but honestly still pretty diverse metagame. It might have something to do with the bigger card pool. I’m excited to see what comes out on top!

  • MikeMA
    29 months ago

    I personally would have also been playing Esper Midrange. I don’t see why anyone plays anything else tbh in this current meta.