If little PP loses his seat I will laugh my ass off. Fuck him the disingenuous fuck. I watch news all day I get disgusted when he talks. I would love the opportunity to vote for PC (because having multiple viable parties is important in a healthy democracy) but that ain’t happening with MAGA running under the hood and a leader who won’t distance himself from them.
Great but let’s not get complacent. The only Poll that matters is the election
This is by far the most important thing to remember. Don’t forget to vote. Hell, since you’re reading this, you’ve probably already decided who you’re voting for (Not PP, but for the only guy who stands a chance to beating him). Go vote early so you don’t forget. Or register for mail-in votes.
And don’t forget to encourage those you know to vote. Hell, go together to vote as a group. The more people vote, the more likely PP will lose, because almost all the seats he has a decent chance of winning come from the rural prairies, and they live so far apart, it’s impossible for them to coordinate in person.
😂 Upvoting is not enough.
Canadians hate Trump so much they vote out their own conservatives lol. Amazing.
It’s funny because our conservative party is more left than your democrats
I think this used to be the case but there’s been some really hateful rhetorics coming from the conservative side recently. Things like life in prison without parole for drug users. Yikes.
Right, maybe this was true of the PCs before the merger with the Reform Party, but the creature resulting from that merger takes its cues from American conservatism.
Honestly I think the Conservative Party should be dismantled - at this point their nothing but a waste of space. Their taking seats that could be taken by people who will do a much better job than any of the current conservative members. We need people who are passionate about Canada with who will work for the people. The conservatives are traitors
The CPC was founded on betrayal. Peter MacKay(spit) ran an anti-merger campaign, and after lying to everyone, immediately merged to create the Conservative Reform Alliance Party, which they were too stupid to realize spelled CRAP so they changed the name to CPC.
Well. They told us up front what they are and Canadians still voted for them.
I really hope he doesn’t just lose but gets humiliated. such a disgusting little shit.
Don’t worry. If he loses his seat that would be icing on the cake. The cons cannot turn this around now. I will personally jump for joy if he loses his seat but even if he doesn’t, I will also LOVE seeing the knives out for PP by his own party when he loses.
PP is richer than Carney!! He’s a property owner with a net worth of 25 million AND he owns shares in Brookfield. PP is a steaming shitpile hypocrite maga.
Oh now that would be beautiful.
I’m not usually a petty person, but in this particular instance I’m all for ultra levels of pettiness.
I might even throw a party if it happens
Might have to find some fireworks.
I hope so, because I hate that whiny piece of shit. All he does is whine.
A guy on TikTok that said PP sounds like Skeletor, and I think he’s right. Also, Skeletor doesn’t actually accomplish anything, blames everyone else for his failures and calls everyone names.
Milhouse is a traitor and a coward.
LOL. Looks like even the people of Carleton are put off by PP and his kowtowing to Trump and ultra-conservative faux populism.
Trust me, there are a LOT of pp diehards in the rural areas. But there is a lot of new construction happening in the riding that is changing the dynamic.
Suburbs tend to be more conservative than cities. I suppose they can also be more progressive than rural ridings though?
Turns out that the intensification of the suburb sprawl for the Ottawa valley is going to come back to bite them in the ass.
I’m not a native anglophone even though I’m pretty fluent. But I don’t know how to pronounce “kowtow”.
Does it sound like “cow-cow” or more like “cow-toe”?
I’m a native English speaker and I don’t know either.
Both halves rhyme with cow. It’s a Chinese (iirc?) word used in most of the east Asia to refer to deep bows or prostration used as a sign of deep respect (or more often a deep apology in a modern context) but in the west it has much more of an insulting use to imply someone is an ass-kisser.
Thanks for the great explanation! 🩷
Cow cow.
Racist little weasel.
Get fucked traitor
Whether PP loses his seat or not it looks like the CPC will likely lose this election, some predictions are a crushing loss. I can only imagine the party convention to replace PP that will happen after that loss. In my opinion the ultra cons will dig in even deeper and elect someone more extreme but who hides it better. It’s inevitable that the CPC (or some form thereof) will eventually get elected.
*l’il pp FTFY
Yeah, he does give off small dick energy
I don’t hugely trust Ekos, but this would be hilarious if it happened.
Frankly I think we need to send a message to politicians that we need substance. We can’t survive off attacks, or slogans, or vitriol, or attack dogs.
The reason Carney is doing so well is in part because he’s giving something to vote for. Polievre only provides things to vote against.
Whoever picked that picture of Poilievre, 👌
Looks like his poo poo is getting pee pee’d