Just saw these yesterday, what do you all think? Seems like a fun take on basic lands, but it also sort of makes me question what a basic land even is at this point 😝
Just saw these yesterday, what do you all think? Seems like a fun take on basic lands, but it also sort of makes me question what a basic land even is at this point 😝
The art is undeniably cool, but if you’re a purist, these are arguably even less land-like than the THB full-arts.
One of my dream projects that I will never find time for is to make an “Am I Hot Or Not” for Magic lands except you’re voting on whether the art actually depicts the thing in the card name. Islands are the worst offenders – rivers or fountains or pretty much anything with water seems to qualify.
These just don’t look like lands to me at all 😞
The green and black ones honestly don’t even look like eyeballs either. If you didn’t tell me they were dragon eyes I would think they were like briar patches.