like 3 common things popped right after the elections from non-voters : “how is this affecting me now, or whenever” someone on reddit said this was from POC and persecuted groups which makes them look even worst. 2) dint know the incumbent was even running or dropped out 3) They cant be bothered by election to vote(goes back to the social media distractions they have been obssesed with)? the first 2 knew what was going on, chose to ignore it. the final one it was shown that genz dint vote for either side in large numbers, which helped the republicans, because the gop were afraid of gen z voters, and then a portion of them went over to the R-side for the first time(thanks to incel grifters)
Tell that to the DNC
I’ll point you back to the article. And to my comment: Congratulations protest non voters, this is what you voted for.
Literally what protest non voters voted for.
Sigh. They didn’t vote. That’s quite literally not a vote. No matter how hard you want to blame them for something they didn’t do.
that is literally a vote, as the saying goes, standing by not to doing anything is bad as helping the enemy.
Choosing inaction is a choice and one that only ever helps the oppressors.
Sigh. They made a choice that amounted to voting for this. An intentional and deliberate choice. Thus, this is what they voted for. Congratulations!
like 3 common things popped right after the elections from non-voters : “how is this affecting me now, or whenever” someone on reddit said this was from POC and persecuted groups which makes them look even worst. 2) dint know the incumbent was even running or dropped out 3) They cant be bothered by election to vote(goes back to the social media distractions they have been obssesed with)? the first 2 knew what was going on, chose to ignore it. the final one it was shown that genz dint vote for either side in large numbers, which helped the republicans, because the gop were afraid of gen z voters, and then a portion of them went over to the R-side for the first time(thanks to incel grifters)