I think his Twitter showing is where most of us learned how bad he is. Forums over sample tech people and his dumb as a rock takes on tech exposed it all.
I think his Twitter showing is where most of us learned how bad he is. Forums over sample tech people and his dumb as a rock takes on tech exposed it all.
Just make your pan with a likeness of your country’s flag inside. Like they do on The Great British Bake Off.
What… Uhhh… What are they going to do about it? Bomb London and eat nukes?
I know it’s escalatory but sometimes you have to accept a little escalation to show you’re willing. Just like a certain “Axis” in history they’re pushing because they think everyone is too afraid of an actual war. And appeasement directly led to their war because the other powers waited until it was so far gone it could only be war.
But escalating a little to egg their face now, (not bloody it), it punctures that belief.
I love it, competent leadership is…
Showing up. Such a high bar.
Russia is either the 11th largest economy or the 8th largest economy. It depends on which reputable source you use. In no world is it the fourth largest economy. It’s not even larger than California’s economy.
Bro you need to get some chiles and spices into your life. Also not for everyone but cooking fish definitely has an aroma and I’m going to assume you like fish if you’re cooking it.
Never underestimate bad students who reject academically rigorous ideas because they’re intimidated by smart people.
That’s actually a really smart way for him to do it.
Well yeah. That’s why the threat is there. By removing it they made the entire system a suggestion, not a requirement.
Yeah I figured it wasn’t something you were aware of, it didn’t read the same way. One thing a lot of people don’t understand about American Racism is just how rooted it is in justifying slavery. By the time the Civil War happened slaves were legally and socially considered to be beasts of burden, different to a cow only in that you wouldn’t eat a slave.
After they lost the Civil War southerners rallied around that idea and invented even more ways to reinforce it in the Lost Cause ideology. This is why there’s so much representation of black people as feral apes and it’s juxtaposed to well mannered black people in traditional slave roles under white “managers”.
Part of that was a myth that black people could not control their libido. They propagated the idea that black people would force themselves on anyone and any animal nearby. This is why even looking at a white woman was a lynching offense in some areas.
Edit to add - the original comment above is just a reference to the “Thanks Obama” meme.
And then we’ll be left wondering why we’re being kicked out of all our overseas bases. And then why the SEA countries are acquiescing to everything China wants and then why Taiwan gives up major concessions like allotting high quality computer parts to China.
It’s all connected.
Even with that, jokes about minorities mating with animals are straight out of the racist handbook.
I’m not sure he specifically chose expediency. I think it came out that way because of his insistence on trying to negotiate with the Republicans after they vowed to block everything.
We knew this about Americans though. It’s why Walmart is able to kill every mom and pop store in a town just by moving in. People are very susceptible to economic pressure.
Making economic pressure less of a big deal is extremely important, and why the elites will never do it without a fight.
Tripping over pennies to lose dollars. These turds do not understand soft power and international trade.
I think if the feds tried to take over elections it would just be bloody feds.
Don’t worry the root cause is going to be vaccines. No need for science when you already have the answer.
As of the 2024 election all but a handful of counties in Texas and Louisiana have returned to paper. The Brennan Center for Justice estimates 98 percent of ballots were cast with paper records.
The states run the elections. There is nothing stopping the states from hiring cyber security professionals to make sure their elections are secure. Most state elections are still run by very competent people who are motivated to provide a free and fair election.
Good point. You can’t make objective judgements of talent when you have a silver spoon shoved so far up your butt everyone lies to you about how you’re doing. You just don’t have the base of experience.