I was just playing a game where my opponent was on mono W tokens and had a Mondrak out. The triggers took so long to resolve (with no player input needed) that it ran down two of MY timers… and subsequently skipped through my following turn. I didn’t end up drawing the combo piece I needed, but if I had, this UI behaviour would have been the reason I lost. I was getting ready to cast something (even though it wouldn’t have saved me) but the UI just jumped straight from my draw step to my opponent’s turn.

Whose idea was it to have automated triggers count against a player’s timer?

Anyway, I’m posting this here since the WotC feedback channel requires a login to post.

  • Evu
    3 hours ago

    I mean, the Arena UI shouldn’t struggle to handle triggers in the first place. This game needs to have about 80% less animation.

    But yeah, time when you technically have priority but can’t actually do anything shouldn’t count against your clock. And the game knows you can’t do anything, because it’s auto-passing for you.