• ptc075@lemmy.zip
    1 month ago

    Honestly, this starts out strong. Have a conversation - do you have mass land denial, extra turns, or fast/2 card infinite combos? But then we get to the game changers section, and it feels like they kinda ran out of steam and just said “we don’t like these cards”. I don’t specifically disagree with the list, but there’s too many similar cards that aren’t listed, because - well, where do you draw the line? It would make more sense to focus on function (Fast mana, Tutors, etc.), and THEN provide examples for guidance. And they do sort-of do this at the bottom of the article, but it gets muddy fast. Which is why everyone is looking at the list of “game changer” cards instead. And already mapping out the next best in slot replacements.

    Also, ‘Sol Ring should be on this list, but it isn’t, because dad said so’ is not the wining argument they think it is.