I was hoping to complete the commons for a set by opening packs, but it looks like I keep getting duplicates instead? Is using wildcards going to be the best way to complete the commons for that set?

Seems like they could either A. have common slots fill with missing cards first, or B. have duplicates be some small number of gems instead, like they do for rares and mythics (or ideally, both A and B).

What’s the point of opening my 5th, 6th, 7th etc of a common?

  • Evu
    2 months ago

    I’m not just being cynical when I say that the point is that Wizards won’t make enough money if your collection fills up too efficiently. I guess they might say something like “we want the experience of opening digital packs to closely mirror paper”. But if you pursue this line of questioning you pretty quickly end up at “why doesn’t everybody just get four free copies of every card so personal wealth isn’t a factor in deckbuilding?” And the answer is that that’s not WotC’s business model. They have to make money – even if we set aside the matter of profit, they have to fund maintenance & development somehow – and selling you packs that aren’t guaranteed to contain anything you need is part of how they stay afloat.

    Maybe the more pertinent question is “how do they justify selling you things they know you don’t need?” If we’re asking about Arena, duplicate commons and uncommons contribute to your Vault progress, and periodically you’ll get to open your Vault and get six extra wildcards. It’s not much, but it’s not nothing. If we’re asking about MTGO, theoretically you can trade your excess cards or sell them to bots, though typically for less than a penny apiece.