I think some of the disagreement about moderation of Luigi’s Mansion comes from people missing the boat on his actual politics. He was not just a wacky musk stan, here is one of the guys I saw listed in connection with him: https://substack.com/@picopaco/notes note the hits such as “Racial Group Differences are primarily genetic in origin” and “The Great Palestine Lie”. I saw a few other nazi adjacent people on his substack and twitter, but I cant find it anymore, same goes for the thing where luigi actually follows this guy. If anyone has the actual post, I would appreciate a link to it!
I would be more sympathetic to trying to claim him if he was just talking about how AI is going to do whatever stuff tech bros are talking about now, and I would assume most people trying to claim him are thinking he was in this group.
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I can cheer for the act and use it as a jumping-off point for talking to people about how capitalism thrives on our suffering. I don’t have to like this guy or defend him in any way other than “yeah that was pretty fuckin funny huh?”
I mean, he’s also a snacc.
But I agree, there’s very little point pretending he was a model human being, just because he did a good thing.
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The more I learn about this guy, the less I like him