• jatone@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    8 days ago

    Israel is an ally.

    Yes, we call this ‘enabling’ and its bad. if my friend goes and murders someone in cold blood I don’t go ‘oh well they’re my friend’ I fucking turn them in so they can get the help they clearly need.

    She can’t get those easy votes without losing votes from moderate Israel-supporters.

    No one is asking her to not protect israel. but fun fact: they’re not moderates if they’re supporting a genocide.

    Well then your actions are irrational because they do not help accomplish your goal, despite your fantasies to the contrary.

    thats, like, your opinion man. all your points are around assumptions about how others will act. personally I only decide how I can act. and seems like others agree with me and not you since harris can’t find votes.

    Eh, she needs enough votes. She doesn’t need yours specifically. If she can’t get yours, she’ll shill to moderates to get theirs, because strategically that’s much smarter than alienating a large, reliable bloc in order to gain a portion of the much smaller, much less reliable bloc you represent.

    you actually don’t know that. and neither does she. shes just scared as are you. I’m about as reliable as they come for votes; I show up every year and vote for people who represent me. if there are none, I show up for the ballot initiatives and leave the candidates blank. Its hardly my fault the DNC didn’t run a real primary to find the best candidate this year because we know harris wouldn’t have won.

    Done, like a year ago.

    samesies, do it again, repeatedly this week. =) they weren’t willing to do shit a year ago because they didn’t need the votes. now is the time to give them permission.

    This is pure nonsense. On multiple levels.

    yes, pure nonesense.

    not my fault harris is floundering for votes. I can’t help that shes committed to a platform that has historically low approval and is unwilling to commit to anything not even a bar as low as ‘not commiting genocide’ shrug.

    if she had a solid platform she wouldn’t be floundering. I can’t do anything about that except clearly broadcast my expectations to the democratic party. which i’m doing daily. you are of course free to do nothing. but harris needs votes to win and I’m letting her know how to get mine. balls in her court.

    heres my fence, lets see if she can get over it!

    • agamemnonymous@sh.itjust.works
      8 days ago

      we call this ‘enabling’ and its bad. if my friend goes and murders someone in cold blood I don’t go ‘oh well they’re my friend’ I fucking turn them in so they can get the help they clearly need.

      Unfortunately, elections are a popularity contest, not a morality test. It doesn’t matter what’s right, it matters what enough voters in the right states approve of.

      She can’t get those easy votes without losing votes from moderate Israel-supporters.

      No one is asking her to not protect israel.

      This reflects her stated position, but here you are saying it’s not good enough.

      Well then your actions are irrational because they do not help accomplish your goal, despite your fantasies to the contrary.

      thats, like, your opinion man. all your points are around assumptions about how others will act.

      It must be a strange sensation seeing it from the other side. Your entire strategy is based on assumptions about how others will act. The difference is that your assumptions are based on pure unsupported fantasy, while mine are based on historical evidence.

      Eh, she needs enough votes. She doesn’t need yours specifically. If she can’t get yours, she’ll shill to moderates to get theirs, because strategically that’s much smarter than alienating a large, reliable bloc in order to gain a portion of the much smaller, much less reliable bloc you represent.

      you actually don’t know that. and neither does she. shes just scared as are you.

      thats, like, your opinion man. all your points are around assumptions about how others will act.

      they weren’t willing to do shit a year ago because they didn’t need the votes. now is the time to give them permission.

      thats, like, your opinion man. all your points are around assumptions about how others will act.

      not my fault harris is floundering for votes. I can’t help that shes committed to a platform that has historically low approval and is unwilling to commit to anything not even a bar as low as ‘not commiting genocide’ shrug.

      all your points are around assumptions about how others will act.

      if she had a solid platform she wouldn’t be floundering.

      all your points are around assumptions about how others will act.

      I can’t do anything about that except clearly broadcast my expectations to the democratic party. which i’m doing daily. you are of course free to do nothing. but harris needs votes to win and I’m letting her know how to get mine. balls in her court.

      all your points are around assumptions about how others will act.

      Sure, hold your nose, and when Trump wins you can snuggle say you didn’t directly vote for him, it’s not your fault LGBT people are getting carted off to camps, it’s not your fault women are legally considered breeding stock, it’s not your fault Palestine is a sheet of glass, it’s not your fault we pulled aid from Ukraine and sent it to Israel. Harris should have done more to seduce you into supporting human rights, it’s her fault you helped the greater evil.

      • jatone@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        8 days ago

        Unfortunately, elections are a popularity contest, not a morality test. It doesn’t matter what’s right, it matters what enough voters in the right states approve of.

        agreed, and shes losing; all I can do is try and help by telling her what will get mine and apparently other votes.

        The difference is that your assumptions are based on pure unsupported fantasy, while mine are based on historical evidence.

        the past does not predict the future. but it rhymes. and the past shows the democrats run to the right and lose. looks in harris’ direction

        thats, like, your opinion man. all your points are around assumptions about how others will act.

        I’ve only made a single claim on how others will act and it was a group that literally said ‘stop the arm shipments to gaza’ and there are 100k of them in an important swing state.

        Sure, hold your nose, and when Trump wins you can snuggle say you didn’t directly vote for him, it’s not your fault LGBT people are getting carted off to camps, it’s not your fault women are legally considered breeding stock, it’s not your fault Palestine is a sheet of glass, it’s not your fault we pulled aid from Ukraine and sent it to Israel. Harris should have done more to seduce you into supporting human rights, it’s her fault you helped the greater evil.

        correct. you see its a popularity contest, and apparently shes not winning and doesn’t know how to. a shame really. if only the DNC ran a real primary when faced with a historically disliked administration. well you lose some, you win some. but it is a shame and its a shame you wouldn’t put in the effort for all those groups you’re trying to place on my plate. my vote is here for the taking. its a shame she couldn’t check a single box on my list. I hope she pulls it off but for some reason it seems like she wont.

        Harris should have done more to seduce you into supporting human rights, it’s her fault you helped the greater evil.

        its funny you think your giant list of minority groups who actually have rights and trump wont be able to take them away by himself is more important to me than the 40k people already murdered and million + put at risk by the biden admin inability to have a spine. its why he lost support (among a plethora of other issues, like union busting) and just slapping harris’ name on the top of the ticket won’t change that outcome. sorry but the deaths are the greater evil. I will not choose between the minority groups. you can compromise if you wish I won’t.

        • agamemnonymous@sh.itjust.works
          7 days ago

          all I can do is try and help by telling her what will get mine and apparently other votes.

          Are you doing the legwork of telling her directly?

          the past shows the democrats run to the right and lose.

          You must be looking at a different past than the rest of us.

          I’ve only made a single claim on how others will act

          Your entire premise is that your choice will cause a candidate to alter their behavior

          my vote is here for the taking. its a shame she couldn’t check a single box on my list.

          I’d wager she checks quite a lot of them, when considering the alternative. Status quo is not ideal, but it is better than marked backsliding, which is what you’re gambling.

          trump wont be able to take them away by himself

          Uh, yeah. The entire problem is that there is a broadly successful campaign to install federalist cronies across as many seats as possible. Supreme Court, lower courts, EPA, USPS, DoE, everything. They published it. He’s not by himself.

          more important to me than the 40k people already murdered and million + put at risk by the biden admin inability to have a spine.

          Which is different than the entire history of the state of Israel how? Your alternatives are an unbroken trend of spineless opposition, and enthusiastic support. I do not consider enthusiastic support to be an acceptable risk in my electoral stratagems.

          sorry but the deaths are the greater evil.

          The deaths will not decrease under the alternative evil, in fact they will most certainly increase under the other evil. That would by embarrassingly simple logic make that alternative the greater evil, and the evil in question the lesser evil. Who was it that just said Biden was being too tough on Bibi?

          • jatone@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            5 days ago

            Are you doing the legwork of telling her directly?

            yes, every person in my congressional animal pen knows where i stand and that they should pressure her. harris has no personal interest in my vote since she will comfortably win in my state. however my critters know i’m watching them and my friend circle has done the same.

            let me be clear here: I have a laundry list of issues with harris’ platform. there is literally nothing on there that I can about directly:

            • no health care reform (reducing means testing for medicare/single payer/reducing costs etc)
            • no labor reform (mandatory PTO/sick leave/minimum wage increases/non-compete removal, etc)
            • no commitment to keeping khan as head of FTC.
            • and is willing to genocide a minority group.

            my ask from harris is to commit to doing the one thing she can 100% do herself as a president and thats commit to israel’s safety while preventing from them genociding. if that requires giving israel a small bloody nose by not protecting them in the UN and stopping arms shipments. fine and many jews in the US agree on this.

            Im telling people vote with their conscience on harris, why? because it’ll get them to the poll booth, jill/claudia might get their vote instead of harris but know what else? the down ballot democrats are more likely to get their vote. thats more important than trump/harris. if trump wins but democrats get the majority in both houses and we keep them we’ll be fine.

            You must be looking at a different past than the rest of us.

            na just have a different slant. most of the time the democrats run on shitty positions like anti-gun and border nonsense. but ignore things like labor rights, healthcare, and education, and the economy. thats why they lose.

            Your entire premise is that your choice will cause a candidate to alter their behavior

            yes, because thats how voting works, and why my state is literally a single party state.

            I’d wager she checks quite a lot of them, when considering the alternative. Status quo is not ideal, but it is better than marked backsliding, which is what you’re gambling.

            no, thats what all of you’re are gambling, including harris, you’ll vote for her because shes not trump. she has your vote. know what votes she doesn’t have? the 100k in michigan whose friends and family are being genocided by her policies.

            Which is different than the entire history of the state of Israel how? Your alternatives are an unbroken trend of spineless opposition, and enthusiastic support. I do not consider enthusiastic support to be an acceptable risk in my electoral stratagems.

            what the fuck are you going on about? lol no one is saying abandon the jews, just stop giving them weapons until they stop being literally genocidal morons over there. you know, follow our fucking laws on arm sales.

            The deaths will not decrease under the alternative evil, in fact they will most certainly increase under the other evil.

            you have no idea what evil is. the fact you are trying to brow beat people over a person willing to throw a minority group under the genocidal bus is mind boggling considering all the evil you’re talking about is literally a bunch of minority groups whom have been thrown under various busses. now I have to wonder which other ones will she through under the bus of joy and alleged law and order.

            As I said, call your congress critters, demand they stop arms to israel and that they pressure harris and then vote with your heart on election day. if thats jill/claudia/harris it doesn’t matter. I’m more interested in getting people to the booths for all the local and down ballot issues.

            now if you don’t support protecting the palestenians and think israel should be slaughtering them then thats on you and you’re far more evil than any person voting 3rd party. I’m just happy they voted regardless of their feelings on harris.