Surprising level of transparency here when it’s very easy to just ignore these kinds of questions, even if it’s a bit roundabout.

“[W]e have to take into account numerous factors to make sure that boosters packs are equally desirable. One of the biggest factors is the overall average powerful level of the cards.”

Translation: no one would (theoretically) buy “under-powered” Standard boosters if they were the same price as “high-powered” masters boosters. This doesn’t really appreciate players who want to draft or want Standard cards (and would therefore buy Standard packs regardless) but I’m sure they have people there doing this all day every day.

  • Sandra
    311 months ago

    This is how it works:

    1. Go to the blog. No styling.
    2. Log in to tumblr 💔
    3. Go to the blog. Still no styling.
    4. Go to to your own dash.
    5. From there, click Maro’s face.
    6. Styling!
    7. But then the next time you go to the blog, no styling. Until you repeat steps four through six.

    For peeps who hate logging in to tumblr, probably better known as everyone, you can also use the feed:

    It has the questions as the title and the answers as the content.

    • @Evu
      111 months ago

      Thanks for the explanation! As you may have guessed, I don’t have a Tumblr account. Although as social media monoliths go, it actually seems like one of the better ones these days.