So Arena introduced an achievement system recently. A lot of the achievements are the sort of thing that will just happen sooner or later, but there’s an “Advanced Achievements” category and one of the things in it is “Win 10 Historic Ranked matches with a deck containing no Rare or Mythic Rare cards.”

What do we think about this one? Given enough patience, anyone can catch enough lucky breaks eventually, but are there any known decks that could accomplish this goal in a relatively short timeframe? My first thought was to build a cheapo burn deck, and my second thought was to play Zombie Hunt. But we’re talking about ranked Historic, and I don’t know if either of those ideas can even approach a 50% win rate there.

Edit: if you’re going the burn route, here’s a 0-rare burn deck that was featured on MTGGoldfish a couple of years ago.

  • morphballganon
    4 days ago

    Here’s the deck I used:

    In retrospect, I’d swap the Ethereal Armor with Portable Hole. I just didn’t have any of those.

    Mull to get the Outfitter/Hammer combo when possible, it’s killer. Otherwise Spike into Glitters is decent, or Warden>Pridemate>Vanguard can be ok.

    • EvuOP
      2 days ago

      Your list worked well, thanks again for the suggestion. I switched out Banishing Light for Seal from Existence, which I think is an upgrade given the all-Plains manabase. But the best games, like you said, are the ones where you just go Outfitter into Hammer and maybe never even get to three mana. I also tried out Mandibular Kite in place of Barbed Spike, which is more of a lateral move – it’s cheaper, but it only contributes +1 to All That Glitters, and the token dies if you move the equipment. I did make the interesting discovery that if you equip a Hammer first and Kite second, the creature can fly again.

    • EvuOP
      4 days ago

      Thanks for the news and the decklist; I’ll give it a try!