• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m trying to use this whole reddit madness to quit using the internet for anything that isn’t intentional. The fact that I’m here writing a comment shows that it’s not going perfectly, but so far reducing the time I spend scrolling or watching YouTube has definitely improved my headspace.

    The simple act of not using my phone or any other screen until I get out of home in the morning makes me so much more energetic and my mind more clear.

    It’s a fucking addiction and most of us have it without realizing. The horrible part is that quitting cuts you out of so much stuff, but it really is worth it.

  • AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

    Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it’s in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets “translated” to your own “thought language”.

    I think that’s the future we will face if we don’t wipe ourselves out of existence first. The “cool” thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can’t really grasp at the moment.

    The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

  • AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

    Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it’s in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets “translated” to your own “thought language”.

    I think that’s the future we will face if we don’t wipe ourselves out of existence first. The “cool” thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can’t really grasp at the moment.

    The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

  • AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

    Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it’s in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets “translated” to your own “thought language”.

    I think that’s the future we will face if we don’t wipe ourselves out of existence first. The “cool” thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can’t really grasp at the moment.

    The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

  • I live in Italy and don’t really give much attention to latin poo songs, but it sure feels like it.

    I have to say though that those are probably the ones that get here. I don’t think that in Latin America there’s no poo music for the rest of the year.

    EDIT: obviously pop, not poo. I’m leaving the typo because it’s funny. EDIT 2: GODDAMMIT I wrote poo TWO TIMES? What’s wrong with my fingers?

  • I already commented on your older post so I’ll just copy-paste what I wrote:

    Let me tell you, if your interests keep changing and you’re easily bored, you’ll get bored of every new hobby you find. Thing is, boredom is inevitable even when we do things that are pleasurable, so you might as well find something you actually like and “elevate” yourself in some way (be it physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, you name it).

    I’m a psychology student and I love what I study. Is is fun? No. Do I get bored often? Hell yeah. But god I love doing it, because at the end of the day I feel enriched and with a new perspective on the world. Every single time I decide to persevere through difficult or boring material instead of booting up a game or watching YouTube I feel so much more myself.

    And mind you, I’m terrible at this. I struggle so much to keep myself from getting into the hyperstimulation rabbit-hole, and I often spend whole afternoons jumping from one thing to the other (not necessarly games/social media, often I keep jumping between books and articles and projects every 10 minutes without ever finishing anything), but it’s a process.

    That said, I would suggest someting like music production. You can get as wild as you want with technicalities but it’s also creative. I recently discovered Pure Data and it scratched that itch of both doing something creative and learning something technical.

    Whatever you choose, embrace the boredom! It’s part of everyone, it’s part of life. The hardest thing is getting started (e.g. I stayed up late to work on a new hobby and the next day I have no desire to get back to it, but as soon as I start doing it again for as long as ten minutes I’m absorbed again), often you’ll fail but it’s not a race. You could also get back to an hobby you started a while back but approach it from a different perspective (for me Pure Data did it with music production and coding), so that you’re not overwhelmed but don’t have that feeling of “already seen” neither.

    On a side note, mandatory “are you seeking professional help” question. If you’re not, start doing it. If you already are, good job! It can feel slow at times, maybe you keep talking about the same thing (or change topic everytime) and feel like you’re not making progress, but it will yield its result in the long run!

    Good luck with everything man! I know you’ll get something out of this situation :)

  • Same here, with the only exception of games I keep getting back to (basically my all-time favorites that I replay every few years) and games I drop and then decide to restart (and then drop, and restart, and drop, and restart).

    Recently I’ve been avoiding games that are more than 20-40 hours (doing main+some side quests) because I came to the conclusion that there’s no game longer than that that doesn’t have a bloated-to-deatb story or gameplay mechanics that feel more like a treadmill than a game.