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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • It’s suicides. Almost 60% of gun deaths are suicides.

    Gun deaths reached their last peak in the US around 1975. At that time the rate between homicide and suicide was about 50/50. So it’s not like suicides were very low with guns, guns are probably the most quick and effective way to kill yourself and if you want to be dead, using a gun is the gold standard. Still, from 50% to 60% is a very significant change. It’s also important to note, there is more variability in gun homicide than there is in suicide (though there is still a little bit of a positive correlation), so in times of low violent crime the disparity grows.

  • No matter how you slice it, there’s a gap between how the economy is doing and how Americans feel about it.

    Why do they keep insisting that we are the ones that are wrong? The economy isn’t their numbers. The economy is a real thing, proper operation of which ensures well fed people.

    The purpose of an economy is to fond optimal distribution of resources for people. Ultimately it’s people that need all the things, right? Either things are materials to produce things for people, or products useful to help other products reach people.

    If the people think that’s not working, it isn’t working. They’re not just parroting what they see on the news, they’re living day by day, minute by minute in this environment. They see what day to day life costs for them. They’re wrong but the eggheads tracking the over fitted model are right? When a measure becomes a goal it ceases to be a good measure, that’s where the disconnect is. If you want to fix the economy then quit pretending your metrics are more important than people’s standard of living.

  • So I was responding to the parent statement, he said when there’s disinformation democracy doesn’t work. Well in order to avoid disinformation, you need strong control of information flow. That sounds a lot like a dictatorship. The people you vote for control what you know about them, that’s not democracy. So if democracy doesn’t work because people lie, and democracy doesn’t work if information is controlled, then democracy doesn’t work, right? Interestingly, he confirmed lower in the thread that he does not believe in democracy.

    I’m with you, all news is controlled propaganda. I don’t follow any of it as a result. It is sad, but all we can do is try to live in the world we are in. I don’t let it get me depressed, I just carry on.

  • The republicans and Democrats were all basically pro gun control until about the late 2000s, and particularly so in the 80s and 90s.To give you a prominent example, Texas was a “may issue” state in 1995. That means that you had to have a permit to carry, and the state didn’t have to give you one and could refuse you for no reason at all. Practically speaking, only cops and security got issued permits. Even Puerto Rico has more lax gun control than Texas did 30 years ago, and even a few years ago at their peak, they were may issue and you needed a reason to request one, marginally worse than Texas in 1995.

    Now gun control is dead in America, but not because politicians saw the error in their ways. To remain relevant they have to pander, and america by and large abandoned gun control.

  • I don’t know why you’re getting down voted. This is more than a shower thought, understanding this and exploring the ramifications of it will change your life. I’m serious.

    Albedo, black body radiation, energy gradients, inverse square law. Learn about that stuff.

    On the rock there’s a thin layer of slime that changes the albedo of the rock. It redshifts the light that emanates from it just a little bit. But that little red shift, that light that radiates in a slightly higher entropy state, that difference accounts for the entire biosphere, and all the attendant beauty that comes along with that. You love your mother with that energy.

    It makes me wonder, are we really separate from the sun?

  • When people feel ignored in a democratic country, they begin to feel like the democracy they live in is a sham or that democracy itself doesn’t work.

    Votes like this aren’t necessarily about “we need a different direction” and more about desperation and/or anger. They want to show the elites of their country that they still have the power, they want to cost them something for treating the population like it’s there to be harvested from, they want to shake up the status quo at all cost.

    They want to prove to themselves that their vote still matters.

    Letting it get to this point is really bad governance. Once you get here, either they win, or they don’t. And of they don’t, most of the people who support them have their suspicions confirmed, they don’t live in a democracy, they voted and didn’t get what they want, again. This creates a division that is difficult to come back from.

  • This is a show vote. It’s not serious… It’s a phony vote because contraception, to my knowledge, is not illegal. It’s not unavailable.

    If you say so, Sen. Corbyn.

    The vote is part of a larger push by Senate Democrats to draw attention to how the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has affected all aspects of reproductive health…

    They confirm what the republicans are saying in the very next sentence? Who’s editing these articles?