23 days ago“Country that invaded another country to prevent foreign troops from using it as a staging area, won’t accept foreign troops using it as a staging area”
ipsc shooter, shitposter
“Country that invaded another country to prevent foreign troops from using it as a staging area, won’t accept foreign troops using it as a staging area”
Osama with hand extended always makes me laugh so hard
Operation Gladio with Ukrainian characteristics
It’s so funny. Zelensky has been doing all this shit for years and NOW it’s finally unacceptable
1.5 million soldiers to defend a country that is too scared to hold elections
“When are we gonna be free?”
“How about now-ish?”
<shoots slave owner>
Peak television. God what a time to have been alive
Clayton Bigsby lives on
America turns to Russia, says “This game is no fun anymore, I’m heading home, it’s all yours” and that’s game over. Ukraine doesn’t exist without the backing of the United States.