• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • We’re using them. The problem is they aren’t replacing fossil fuels. Instead of a polluting coal plant, you have a polluting coal plant and a bunch of solar panels and wind turbines that were manufactured, transported, built from mined substances. It’s better than building another coal plant, but it’s not solving climate change. Power demand grows to use the available supply.

  • I don’t think that his plans for Mars are good for anyone but himself. Creating a small privately owned Mars colony is more likely to increase problems like climate change and inequality than reduce them. If it were Nasa or another government agency, we could argue that technological advances from the attempt would benefit everyone, like they did in the space race, but this won’t even do that. Best case, it makes him even richer. Worst case, it pumps a lot of carbon into the atmosphere and wastes a bunch of resources for no benefit.