dead [he/him]

  • 14 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2021

  • Project 2025 was created by the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation was a policy adviser for the Ronald Reagan presidency. In 1981, the Heritage Foundation published a listed of over 2000 policy recommendations for the Reagan Administration. By the Heritage Foundation own admission, Ronald Reagan was able to implement over 60% of the Heritage Foundation policy recommendations during his presidency. Ronald Reagan and Project 2025 are cut from the same cloth.

    https: // www.heritage .org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership

  • In June 2022, Ryan Routh hung Taiwan flags in Kyiv to display that Taiwan had support for Ukraine. You could not create a more NATO guy in a lab.

    Ryan Routh, told CNA that he posted the flags to pay tribute to the nations that have citizens fighting in Ukraine’s foreign legion

    Routh said there have been no protests about the presence of the Taiwan flag so far, but even if China is dissatisfied, “I can order another 1,000, they can’t touch my flags.”

    He came to Kyiv more than two months ago to show his support for Ukraine and wanted to join the foreign legion

    However, due to his age, he was unable to do so

    Routh has assisted in recruiting 70 volunteers to join the fight against Russia.

    He told the news agency that he included Taiwan’s flag because he had met at least five Taiwanese volunteers serving in the legion over the past two months

  • Other photos

    Another related article from DPRK

    Press Statement by Spokesperson for Disarmament and Peace Institute of DPRK Foreign Ministry

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) – A spokesperson for the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday released the following press statement “The collective confrontational cooperation against the DPRK will be accompanied by the strengthened formation of strategic axis for improving the security environment of the region”:

    The U.S. and its vassal forces held the second defense authority meeting between the ROK and member nations of the “UN Command” on September 10.

    Their moves to revitalize a tool for war and confrontation, which usurped the signboard of the UN, on the Korean peninsula are arousing a serious concern of the international community.

    Another anti-DPRK confrontation confab was held in the name of the “UN Command” whose dismantlement was declared by the international community decades ago. This is an insult to the inviolable UN and the UN Charter and one more important occasion judging who is the illegal force inciting military conflict in the Korean peninsula.

    A “joint statement” adopted after the meeting shows that the U.S. is buckling down to drawing member states of the “UN Command” into different joint military drills of aggressive nature to make them proficient in its-led war scenario and substantially enhance their capabilities to fight a war.

    Terming the U.S. and its vassal forces’ confrontational movement an extremely dangerous political and military provocation that causes security imbalance and escalates the danger of war in the Korean peninsula and the region, we resolutely denounce and reject it.

    The expansion of the “UN Command” is a prelude to the establishment of “NATO of Asian version” which will result in pushing the Asia-Pacific region deeper into the structure of new cold war, not easing the military tensions in the Korean peninsula and the region.

    When taking into consideration the fact that the revival of the “UN Command” is further increasing the possibility of military conflict in the Korean peninsula by stirring up the war hysteria of the ROK military gangsters running amuck in the military confrontation with the DPRK, the danger of such moves can never be overlooked.

    Moreover, if countries in different regions take part in the moves to revive the “UN Command”, blindly following the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK, military conflict in the Korean peninsula will not be confined to the one between the DPRK and the U.S. but will inevitably lead to the start of a new world war.

    It is an essential requirement for the national security and the region’s peaceful development to steadily improve the strategic force capable of deterring and weakening the hostile countries’ will for war provocation.

    The U.S. and its vassal countries’ collective military confrontation against the DPRK will serve as a motive and catalyst for accelerating the formation and development of a just strategic axis that thoroughly disallows the imbalance of power in the Korean peninsula and the region.

    The DPRK will steadily take a new strategic counteraction to contain and frustrate the reckless confrontation moves of the hostile forces to disturb peace and stability in the Korean peninsula by mobilizing the illegal war organization. -0- (Juche113.9.13.)


    You can see that Hasan donated $50k of his own money to Palestine. This is only one of the charities that he did for Palestine but there was at least one more. Hasan doesn’t have enough money to just give $1 million to Palestine by himself. Hasan and Bill Gates receive money in fundamentally different ways. Hasan gets payed by amazon for talking to a camera.

    Bill Gates gets payed money for owning software that he didn’t even write. Also one of the reasons that Bill Gates became so rich was that he was able to exploit software copyright before anyone else. Many people don’t know that software was not considered protected by copyright before 1974. In 1975, Bill Gates payed his college room Monte Davidoff to develop a computer program called Altair BASIC. Bill Gates then licensed Altair BASIC to a company called MITS for royalties on every sale up to $180,000. In 1976, Bill Gates wrote “Open Letter to Hobbyists” which a published in many magazines and he complained that all software should be payed for and nobody should have software freely. Bill Gates collects money purely by owning property and paying people to wages to make software for him to own. Bill Gates has had a more negative impact on the progression of computer software technology than maybe anyone in history.

    Hasan gets payed money by amazon for talking to a camera. Hasan does the opposite of Bill Gates. You can search for hasanabi on youtube and find over 50 channels which upload clips from his stream. This is because Hasan allows random people to share his clips and even collect money from his clips. There are dozens of other people who collect money by editing and sharing Hasan’s stream clips. There have even been times when youtube tried to de-monetise the fan channels and Hasan negotiated with youtube so that the fan channel could still collect money for themselves.

  • He told his viewers to vote for Kamala. I saw the clip. You type way too much shit, I’m not reading all that about a steamer. Condense your ideas

    Show the clip. I type a lot because I am annoyed by people who intentionally misinterpret me so I try to be very detailed.

    Right here from just a few days ago he said that he would need to see Kamala change the policy on Israel in order to tell people to support her. This was also before she released her new “stronger border” campaign policy, which makes her even worse. He has said a lot more against Kamala on twitch but it doesn’t make it to youtube.

  • That’s not true. He hasn’t endorsed Kamala. Before Biden dropped out he was doing Kamala memes but that is similar to the “Dark Brandon”. Even Hexbear was doing Dark Brandon and coconut memes before democrats co-opted them and made them “in support” of the Democrats instead of against. Some of his videos show him analyzing Kamala’s chance to win but that doesn’t mean he supports the outcome. He also does analysis of republicans chance to win and makes suggestions for how they could be more likely win. That doesn’t mean that he supports Kamala or Republicans. He has said that he won’t support Kamala because of her support of Israel and because of her right wing border policy.

    He also doesn’t support the Ukraine nazis. He’s done coverage of the Azov battalion plenty of times. He might lean into support Ukraine, but not in the NATO guy way. Hasan is anti-NATO. He also did coverage about how Russia definitely didn’t blow the Nordstrom pipeline. I don’t think he really supports either side but he tries to do a framing of like Ukraine being the smaller country. There’s lots of liberals who also call Hasan a Russia supporter. You call him a Ukraine supporter. So people interpret his analysis in both ways and I think it doesn’t really matter. If his analysis is bad on this one thing, nobody is perfect. You or I don’t have to agree with him on every single thing.

  • The top row is all MAGA communist guy and the bottom row has 3 obsessive debaters and Hasan?

    atlantic-council Even the hexbear emotes provide us with photographic evidence that Hasan is not like the others. They collaborate with each other but Hasan has no relation to them.

    Hasan used to stream with Destiny back in 2019. They had collaboration streams with Hasan, Destiny, and Andy Milonakis of the Andy Milonakis show on MTV. This was before Hasan was a big streamer and before he quit TYT, I believe. Destiny hadn’t been banned from twitch yet. In 2019, Destiny used to be a game streamer and he presented himself as a centrist type guy who was interested in learning about leftist politics. The implication of the co-streams was that Hasan was going to teach Destiny about leftism. I remember seeing video of the 3 of them and Hasan trying to explain Marxism to Destiny. Not long after, Destiny did a full back stab and accused Hasan of calling his black friends the nword in private. Hasan responds by calling Destiny a “weasley little liar” and that’s where this emote comes from. hasan-smash Destiny has been making up lies and drama about Hasan since 2019.

    Vaush was banned from twitch in 2018 or 2019. The reason that he was banned from twitch was that he had said that the US military should invade Israel to protect Palestinians. He might have also said the US should nuke Israel, I’m not 100% sure on my memory. It’s weird that Vaush thought that the US foreign policy would protect Palestinians but also surprising that Vaush claims to support Palestine. Since Vaush was banned from twitch so early, Hasan never really interacted much. Though, Hasan has always distanced himself from Vaush, particularly because Vaush has such fervent support for American foreign policy and for the Democratic party.

    Keffals is a friend of Vaush. Hasan has intentionally avoided talking to or about Keffals for years. I think he knew something was weird about her politics. He reluctantly talked about her in 2022 (I think) when Keffals was being harassed by k*wifarms. After that, Keffals has done a “why I left the left” bit and claimed that Marxism is a cult, among other things.

    Hinkle is probably a fed. There are chat logs in Hasan’s twitch chat which shows him being supportive of Hasan. This was before Hinkle made the MAGA communism turn and before he appeared on Tucker Carlson.

    On this list of people, Hasan is the only one who has had consistent analysis. Everyone else there is a flip flopper. The accusation that Hasan is liberal or a grifter is completely baseless. A grifter is someone who promotes opinions that they don’t believe for money. He has been saying that same things for like 10 years now, so that would indicate that he’s not doing it for the money because he was doing it before it was making money. Hasan also continued to do news coverage in support of Palestine after October 7 and raised over a million dollars for Gaza aid, which caused his average audience to shrink by 1/3 in size, which indicates that he’s consistent on his views even when it loses money. Also he’s never promised or claimed to be a leader of Leftism, he’s just a guy who reports the news and tells his audience to form unions and do their own political actions, such as the campus encampments in California which he attended himself and interviewed people from the encampments more than once. Also Hasan doesn’t invest in wealth or hire employees because he doesn’t want to be called a capitalist. His merch is union made. His youtube editors get all of the youtube revenue. He doesn’t even do TTS donations on twitch anymore. He gets payed by amazon for his news reporting and amazon forces him to show ads or optionally you can pay $6 to not see the ads. Or you can just block the ads and he used to say that on stream but now the amazon contracts say that he can’t say that. Hasan also has direct contact with journalists from news websites and regularly has them interviewed on stream. Hasan is also friends with all of hexbears favorites: Boyboy and Ididathing, Felix and Will from chapo, Brace from trueanon, Second thought and Yugopnik from The Deprogram, etc. He’s consistent with his analysis, he has connections to journalists, and he doesn’t invest the money he’s payed into capital. What exactly is the grift? He promotes Marxist analysis, he reports the news, and he gets payed for showing ads. If you expected Hasan to be Lenin, then you’re the fool. Hasan is just a news reporter who also support Marxism and that’s not a grift or liberalism.

  • I don’t think you’re quite getting it. You’re trying to rationalize their language with your own framework but they don’t operate on your framework. I’m not being hyperbolic when I use the phrase “abolish”. That is the word that they used, not me. They are against Shawn Fain, yes, but they’re also against the concept of labor unions in general. The trotskyist guy who ran against Shawn Fain ran with “Abolish the UAW” as his core #1 campaign promise and was shocked when he lost. They want to abolish all labor unions, not just the UAW. The SEP are acting as obstructionists to labor organizing.

  • It’s a photo of 2 neonazis. Sam Hyde on the left, also known as Million Dollar Extreme (MDE), had a show on adult swim and it was canceled because he is a neonazi. Sam Hyde is considered to be an icon for the alt-right movement in the late 2010s and there was a conflict between the chapotraphouse subreddit and the MDE subreddit. Pearl Davis is a “antifeminist” youtuber who and she makes videos on why she thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or have jobs and should be servants to men. Sam Hyde’s latest attempt at regaining mainstream fame is by making a clone of the reality tv show Big Brother, which he is calling Fish Tank. He set a bunch of cameras around a house and pays people money to live in that house while it is livestreamed to the internet. They’re both neonazis.