Bruno Finger

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’m originally from Brazil but I’ve been living in Poland for the past decade so I had the Polish app setup with Android covid notifications. The neat thing is that it doesn’t matter as they all talk together due to how the protocol works.

    I got a few notifications in Poland, and I also did travel to Brazil, and got notifications there too.

    The app only works if enough people are in though, so if nobody uses then it won’t work. Depends on the area, people, way of thinking.

  • I’m just coming back to Linux after a 5 years break. Ive gone the latest Fedora on my laptop and if I understood it right it’s using Wayland on GNOME. I have the Nvidia drivers installed from the store, so no external repos or command line trickery, everything went smoothly and honestly the whole OS works better and visual glitches were gone instantly. Honestly the whole experience is vastly upgraded compared to the last time I used Linux. When bringing gaming to the equation I am honestly impressed with the current state of Proton, I tried a few heavy games where I’d expect all sorts of weird graphical glitches if they were running on wine back in the day and for my surprise they work absolutely fine and even better than on Windows, like No Man’s Sky, Risk of Rain 2. The only thing not right is having 2 monitors with different scales or just having a high dpi screen in general, sometimes apps don’t scale right, so I just changed the resolution.

    All in all really a fantastic experience so far.

  • They’re limited as hell and buggy. The thing that most bothers me is the character limit and then your device sends out multiple SMSs, other devices may not understand that and instead of receiving one message you receive multiple broken ones.

    Accents, anything not in the English alphabet: á ä ā ą é ê and so on, good luck with those.

    Attaching media is a nightmare, basically the entire MMS protocol is broken.

    You’re relying on your carrier and your recipients carriers.

    International messaging is also completely broken for the reason above. You can forget any media in that case too.

    Geez I don’t know if I should continue. Did you know SMS was not a feature planned in phones originally but rather it takes advantage of a bug that was never fixed?

    In Brazil where I’m originally from people stopped using SMS altogether as soon as the first iPhone got in the market. Android followed shortly after. Viber was the popular choice back then, now WhatsApp is the standard.