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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • When you don’t vote you are voting for the guy who wins.

    You hate trump but you hate the other guy too. You don’t vote. That’s one more vote not going against the guy who wins.

    Say you have 100 people voting. 60 people decide not to vote. Out of the 40 people who vote 25 vote for guy A and 15 vote for guy B. Guy A wins majority even though only 25 people out of 100 voted for him. This means that guy A caters to the 25 people who voted for him and the 60 people who didn’t bother to vote get zero representation even though they’re the majority.

    If the 60 people who didn’t vote decided “he’s not great but he’s better than guy A I will vote for guy B” guy B would win with 75 votes, an actual majority.

    Sometimes it’s better to vote for the lesser of two evils and push the not great guy to do better than to just resign your fate to the worst guy and let the entire thing just burn.

  • CultHero@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldWe all make mistakes
    5 months ago

    Two of my best friends growing up were Scottish and their parents spoke with super thick Scottish accents. Made understanding Trainspotting and reading Irvine Welsh so much easier.

    Some of my fondest memories were in my early 20s, their dad would make me a drink and after a few my Irish/English ass would start talking with a Scottish accent. They’d all get a huge kick out of it. To this day even though I grew up with a dad with a heavy Irish accent I still can’t do a proper accent unless I’ve had a few, then I can’t stop it. 😅

  • The Republicans have been playing by the nazi playbook for a long time now.

    Nazis didn’t start with the Jews. They knew they couldn’t get away with rounding up an entire ethnic group. They started with the LGBTQ community. They dehumanized lgbtq people in the eyes of the public and made it seem like they were doing it for the good of a pure and powerful Germany. When that worked they realized how easy it was to dehumanize an entire population in the eyes of the public and used the same tactics against Jews, Roma etc.

    When you think about it the lgbtq community is the first line of defence protecting democracy because they are the most vulnerable and easiest to demonize. Once it’s ok to eradicate one group of people it becomes so much easier to do the same to larger groups.

    It won’t stop at lgbtq people, they will keep eradicating every minority until they’re actually stopped by force. So far they’ve gone after trans people, gay marriage, women’s reproductive rights and have even talked about overturning Loving vs Virginia. Their goal is a straight, white, “Christian” male utopia.

  • The last time they mentioned his age it was 38/39. They keep changing it but keeping him and Marge in their 30s.

    Honestly I wish they would age everyone up a year every decade. If they had done that we would be seeing the antics of a 13 year old Bart now and I think that could start with some really interesting character development instead of keeping him forever a 10 year old.

  • I had been on reddit since 2008, I was looking for an alternative to the message boards I belonged to after the popularity of Facebook killed them off. I really enjoyed it, not the same level of community that you find in a message board but still good for conversation.

    Then trump happened and it turned to shit. It’s so fucking toxic and I ended up getting banned for defending myself. Apparently fascism is good and standing up for yourself goes against community standards.

    I’m a disabled 49 year old just looking for conversation. Facebook is also a toxic wasteland now. To say I miss myspace is an understatement but there’s hardly anyone there anymore.

    I’m happy whenever I find a place that’s put the social back into social media because antisocial media is just trash.