• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • But either way, when you start, you just have to accept that something has a cause and effect.

    It is what it is, that’s the point I was trying to get across. People get held up on the why or how which is impossible to know without further studying because it’s not always intuitive to our perceived everyday experience.

    You know I didn’t really mean a “belief” right? Just the ability to let your mind sink in an experience or knowledge without first grasping the full concept “like ‘magic’”.

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldIt’s always with my best shirts
    2 months ago

    For me it’s the 5th button above the typing field for a reply/comment (bold/italic/link/emoji/“upload image”). There is also the syntax format you can manually do which you can find in the formatting help link. an ! with [] then (url) no spaces (hard to show without the format wanting to change it).

    edit: I believe the proper use of “upload image” is if you want to share an image from your device which it uploads onto the lemmy server space, using the url to link to another website also works but there is always the problem of size/format of the image and if that link becomes broken your image won’t show.

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe essence of liberalism
    2 months ago

    Your response is a symptom of a much larger problem you have, misinformation and fear. You’ve presented a weird MSM scenario where everyone is a druggy. You’ve been disconnected from reality and have lost your way from being “stoic”.

    “We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” – Seneca

  • Jesus Fucking Christ dude, I was talking about judges and you took this opportunity to rant for multiple paragraphs about media. It’s the fucking internet, I can get news from multiple sources and not just “squid games”. Commenter above talked about German judges political leanings, as I’m sure plenty of other countries do as well after researching further on it. UK and Australia are the outliers (with Canada, still looking into them) and have their own sets of problems, instead of talking about those you’ve decided to make an anti-US shitpost.

    Britain’s only transgender judge has quit after claiming she can no longer do the job without politicizing the judiciary. Master Victoria McCloud said her publicly known status as someone who transitioned from a man to a woman meant she was “now political every time I choose where to pee”. “I have reached the conclusion that in 2024 the national situation and present judicial framework is no longer such that it is possible, in a dignified way, to be both ‘trans’ and a salaried, fairly prominent judge in the UK,” she added. (link)

    Man successfully sues Judge Salvatore Vasta for wrongful imprisonment, He said Judge Vasta denied the plaintiff procedural fairness and had engaged in a “gross and obvious irregularity of procedure”. (link) Judges to be protected against civil lawsuits after Salvatore Vasta sued over wrongful imprisonment, The federal government is preparing to introduce reforms granting greater protections to inferior court judges after a landmark case in which a wrongfully imprisoned man successfully sued Salvatore Vasta. (link)

    So why is the Australian appointment process devoid of scrutiny, allowed to unfold in the shadows of cabinet confidentiality and undisclosed “consultations” with state governments, the chief justice and maybe a few legal peak bodies? So, absent a public confirmation process, how does the attorney general divine where a potential appointee sits on these issues of public and legal policy? This is done indirectly through a review of previous judgments or writings and speeches delivered by a candidate. Peers in the legal profession will be canvassed and the opinion of the high court chief justice will be gained – although this might be to assess if an appointee would be happily greeted by the current judges rather than obtaining a view as to the candidate’s outlook on specific legal issues. State governments are asked to submit names for consideration but normally the states won’t be given an opportunity to comment on the final shortlist.

    Being able to appoint high court judges is one of the great prizes of winning federal elections. The court shapes Australia. It decided that native title survived British colonisation, ruled on whether the commonwealth could nationalise the banks, and whether persons denied refugee status could be indefinitely detained. No prime minister will ever give away the power to make these appointments and none to date have seriously entertained even lifting the curtain to allow public to glimpse the process. (link)

    Australia urgently needs an independent body to hold powerful judges to account, It is a vacuum that has allowed sexist, racist and other troubling conduct to go largely unaddressed. Unlike, for instance, the legal or medical professions, or the public service, these avenues for accountability are not designed to provide an independent, standing institutional response when an individual has a complaint about the conduct of a judge — be that on or off the bench. Removal of a judge can only occur if both houses of parliament agree to it. It is an all-or-nothing option subject to partisan influences, political opportunism and argy-bargy. There has never been a federal judge removed in Australia.

    The allegations of incompetence, rudeness, and bias against federal circuit court judge, Sandy Street, and incompetence, rudeness and unfairness against Judge Salvatore Vasta, that emerged over the course of last year provide us with two others. For months, there was no institutional response to the conduct of these two judges. This was despite a number of complaints, including from the Law Council of Australia. Finally, the chief judge of the Federal Circuit Court, Will Alstergen, indicated that the judges had agreed to undertake mentoring. He also defended the current Federal Circuit Court complaints procedures. Also last year, a Northern Territory judge, Greg Borchers, was found to have made comments that contained negative racial stereotypes. It was conduct the then Law Council of Australia President Arthur Moses branded “disparaging, discriminatory and offensive, insulting and humiliating to Indigenous Australians based solely on their race”. (link)

    Looking into it further, seems like they all have their failings and political stances are included in all of them. Your high horse just has a nice robe thrown around it’s wooden legs so no one can see what’s going on. If you want to continue talking about “judges” I’m all for it, coming to see your wall of text about US media is just fucking sad. “now I have something to look into, will be interesting to see how they do it else where”.

  • It’s complicated and I could go into details about every nuanced situation for a few hours. A few highlights,

    There are 24 states that do not provide for statewide citizen-initiated ballot measures (link)

    Alaska for some reason is my favorite example

    Ballot Measure 2 supporters spent nearly $7 million and campaigned for a year and a half ahead of the election (outside state support). Brett Huber, campaign manager of the leading vote-no group, said his team “had a short amount of time and a lot less money, and we tried our best” (opponents to RCV). Ballot Measure 2 has received the support of 50.55% of Alaska’s voters (link)

    So its slightly possible, with millions of dollars from outside state support, years to campaign, and catching the main political parties unaware of your movements.

  • In all of your fervent defending of a non-issue, have you ever wondered why people go crazy to cause a security issue? It’s because they all want to see their carefully curated bff tay-tay, an image created and maintained by Swift Inc. This is their own problem, and they do it to feed the fanatics that pour every penny they have into an imaginary persona. How the hell is everyone not realizing she’s a BILLIONAIRE, where do you think that money is coming from? It’s the same people that are now “security threats” apparently.

    This is like getting mad at the news for showing black friday purchase riots. You’re completely ignoring all of the situation to defend the poor companies being swarmed with customers.

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    6 months ago

    Yeah I couldn’t think of a better word lol. I should’ve prefaced it by saying the one from the pic above looks dry as hell. I like to see that sweetened milk slightly settling out of it when you cut a piece from it. Though it’s probably delicious in it’s own right, I just don’t know where those 6 milks are disappearing to if it’s even drier.

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    6 months ago

    It’s an awesome milk (leche) inspired cake. I’ve had the 3 milk (tres leche) cake and it’s amazing (the wetter the better!). Gonna have to look into what 6 milk products they’re using for this though. It’s a sweet and juicy dessert where I’ve had it and doesn’t disappoint.