Wait, from what Nic Cage movie is that snippet again? Is it the one where he becomes a vampire?
Wait, from what Nic Cage movie is that snippet again? Is it the one where he becomes a vampire?
But… But… But, nobody’s buying european cars anymore!! We have to destroy the planet so that manufacturers can make some money at home for a few years after basically not innovating for at least a decade.
I’m not saying NATO would but they did intervene in Kosovo. That was not defensive. There’s some wiggle room in being a defensive pact.
I prefer if you refer to procrastination as “working in mysterious ways”. That’s what I’ll do from now on.
I agree with you on that, late stage capitalism in full bloom. I was thinking about the time multiple decades ago, at the beginning of the last century.
It is really sad to see that we as a society are past our prime in multiple areas. At least when looking at it from a “western” perspective. And when I consider the political climate it seems that things have to get a whole lot worse before they can get better. I resonate with the shower thought.
That has always been the case. I’d even say it got easier in the last decades, in general. That does not mean people are no longer struggling, of course.
I had the same hope the last time this clown was president (welp, there goes my US visa). It didn’t happen. Maybe this time it’ll be different but as long as conservatives have any saying in EU politics I’m very much sceptical.