Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)

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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I’m trying to grow as a person and figure things out about the world.


    I’m not interested in talking about people, and for the most part, I’m not interested in talking about events either.

    You do know the world mostly consists of people and events? And that you yourself are mostly affected by people and events?

    Growing as a person as well as figure things out about the world is basically exactly what’s happening when you talk about people or events.

    Philosophy is actually barely useful for both (in a direct sense, of course it’s really useful to find the best reasons for doing it in the first place). More for growing as a person than figuring out the world.

  • You don’t lose an action to get them back up. Healing Word is a bonus action. Healing before going down actually wastes many many more actions, because yeah you’re spending the actions to heal all the time instead of doing damage/disables and removing enemies from the fight. Damage prevention in killing/disabling enemies is much better than healing against it, since healing spells have so small values compared to damage spells. Just compare Cure Wounds and Chromatic Orb.

    In fact I haven’t even said the best benefit of only using healing spells when someone goes down: if an enemy does 30 damage per round and you try to heal against it, you need to heal 30 hp per round, good luck ever achieving that. But if you heal only when someone goes down, you can heal as little as 1hp, with exactly the same effect. Essentially you’re using minimal resources, can do that heal with lvl 1 spell slots, while keeping one strong enemy essentially stunned since they “waste” their turn re-downing the one character that just gets healed by 1hp each round.

  • Azzu@lemm.eetoRelationship Advice@lemmy.worldStruggling to tolerate wife's haircut
    2 months ago

    There is so much to unpack in this post, I don’t even know where to begin.

    longer hair was making her depressed

    No way a hairstyle is the root cause for her being depressed.

    You/she need to figure out the real reasons.

    But also why a change in hairstyle at all would have any impact at all, I feel this should be such an irrelevant thing on mental state. An interesting question would be, if she were on a lonely island with no one there but her, would her hairstyle still have a large impact on her being depressed? Why? (For me hairstyles/any appearance change are just signals for other people)

    In general I agree that your looks are not for yourself, but for your partner. I’d change almost everything about myself as long as it wasn’t a huge maintenance investment (which specific long hair can be, but can also be simple). I don’t understand anyone that chooses a look only for themselves. You don’t even see yourself unless you search for a mirror!

    I couldn’t be with a woman with a buzz cut (by choice, when alternatives exist) either.

  • You’re talking (partly) about two different things.

    The simple truth is that our planet only has a certain amount of replenishable resources which leads to only a certain standard of living being possible for a certain amount of people.

    Thus, the problem you’re talking about only gets solved by reducing the amount of people or the standard of living, globally.

    The problem OP is talking about is inequality in the standard of living between people.

    Outlawing billionaires alleviates both problems, but the general resources problem only temporarily until the people with lower standard of living now raise theirs by having more resources available, which is what you talk about.

    Inequality gets improved permanently by this, so it’s a good change for that problem.

    The limited resource problem you’re talking about, though, doesn’t get solved by this at all, there might be a short dip in less resources used while resources are being reallocated, but then it’ll likely go back to before, because most people use as much resources as they can to make their lives as nice as they can.

    To solve our problems, both population as well as standard of living need to be limited. Because if either one is allowed to grow infinitely, resources will never suffice long-term.