It has been said a gazillion times over the last few months, but is it getting through to those who need to hear it?

  • voiceofchris
    4 days ago

    You’re using an over-used debating technique where you cast doubt on others by demanding proof of any claims you don’t like but letting statements you agree with stand unchallenged.

    Actually what i’m doing is pointing out a glaring logical flaw in the article that is the subject of this post. The fact that others are willing to accept the conclusions drawn by the unsupported claim of this article is worrisome. It speaks to a lack of critical thinking and a wiillingness accept illogical arguments simply because they fit with ones world view. It is fairly absurd to me that i need to spell this out.

    And i have reaponded to you elsewhere with plenty of data that supports me. Unfortunately no one else in this thread has attempted to do the same in support of the article’s claim. Not one single person.

    You’re painting yourself as a neutral who is just asking for information, when in fact you’re heavily partisan. It’s misleading.

    I would be entertained to hear how exactly you think i am partisan. I am, in fact, one of these braindead third party voters that everyone in this thread is raging against. About as far from a partisan as one can get.

    And you, and everyone else here, has had ample time and opportunity to provide any bit of data that you like to show that i am wrong. But y’all consistently turn to attacks against me or my character instead. And that right there, my friend, is a true Trump tactic.

    If you are right then show the data.

      3 days ago


      You’re using an over-used debating technique where you cast doubt on others by demanding proof of any claims you don’t like but letting statements you agree with stand unchallenged.

      You: condescending waffle and deflection. Also you:

      If you are right then show the data.

      When I point out your asymmetric proof demands you just repeat them.

      • voiceofchris
        3 days ago

        I have responded in good faith to each of your criticisms. I have provided polling data when you asked. I have not once waffled… what do you think that means, exactly?

        I continue to await anyones data driven response to my initial question. “Why are we assuming that all of the third party votes would go to Harris if they were forced to choose between her and Trump?”

        If you have no real input to add then just stop responding.

          3 days ago

          If you are right then show the data.

          When I point out your asymmetric proof demands you just repeat them.

          I continue to await anyones data driven response to my initial question.

          …and there it is.

          • voiceofchris
            3 days ago

            Are you pretending that you and i are not engaged elsewhere in this comment section where i continue to post data and you continue to post none? Of course i continue to await your data. What else can i do?

            I do this in the interest of an open discussion, despite the absurdity of a) an article giving bold directives to a group of people which are completely based an assertion made within the same article, b) the article giving zero support for this assertion, c) me asking for someone to please back up the assertion, and then d) you and others retorting with “no, you first.”

              2 days ago

              If you are right then show the data.

              When I point out your asymmetric proof demands you just repeat them.

              I continue to await anyones data driven response to my initial question.

              …and there it is.

              Of course i continue to await your data.

              This actually made me chuckle. It’s like you can’t help yourself.

              i continue to post data

              It’s silly to boast about data that doesn’t even add up! It’s nonsense data! You claim 3.5% of the country are non-Democrat Trump haters, and conclude that they must all be Republicans because there are 8.5% of the country who are Republican Trump haters!

              Each non-Democrat Trump haters is three Republican Trump haters so the third party voters can’t hate Trump?!?!

              This is the data you’re so proud of quoting! It’s so obviously BS because, and I’m surprised that I have to point it out to you a third time, one people can’t be three people. Your math isn’t mathing.

                  2 days ago

                  No, you’ve repeated it every time once stated it. You require proof of statements you disagree with and are uncritical of statements you agree with. It’s called confirmation bias and it’s very, very normal.

                  The difference with you is that you act like you think that believe what you believe because you carefully and neutrally analysed the data and drew only logical conclusions from it. [But we saw where you concluded that 3.5% of Americans were trump hating non democrats and that since 8.5% of Americans were trump hating republicans and that number is bigger, all the trump hating non democrats must be republicans and none of them could possibly be third party, and once you finally understood that you had made a big mistake (because each of the non democrats had to be approximately three republicans), you didn’t admit that your argument was flawed, you didn’t reconsider your position, you doubled down and just edited the numbers for one and found another poll that was slightly less inconsistent because it only requires 7 non democrats to be 8 republicans which for some reason you now think is logical because, what? 7 and 8 are so close?]

                  So no, you’re not deciding what you believe is true from what the data tell you, you’re frantically trying to find data, any data, that looks even slightly consistent with your pre-conceived opinion, and not even applying basic critical thinking whilst doing it.

                  So no, I don’t respect your call for proof because your double standards on what constitutes proof are stark and no amount of data or logical thinking can ever cause you to rethink. It’s a fools errand for me to start engaging with your logic-free gish gallop.

                  • voiceofchris
                    2 days ago

                    You sound like you’re scared that you won’t be able to find any good data that supports you.

                    you concluded that 3.5% of Americans were trump hating non democrats and that since 8.5% of Americans were trump hating republicans and that number is bigger, all the trump hating non democrats must be republicans and none of them could possibly be third party,

                    This is a mischaracterization of the conclusions i made. I have made it clear that i only need to argue for it being possible that half or more of the 3% third partiers could be in favor of Trump over Harris. Of course many of them favor Harris. You find me where i said otherwise. I double dog date you. Im fact, it was the original article that made the preposterous unsupported claim that almost all third partiers are closet-aupportera of one side or the other. My argument this entire time has been that this claim is BS unless someone can provide support for it.

                    Since you keep skipping over all of my points in order to get to the part where you criticize me as quickly as possible i am going to ask you exactly one question this time. Please answer.

                    What exactly is the range of percentages for anti-Trump Republicans that you would accept to be in support of my conclusion?