This art gives me real old-school vibes. Good job, Martin Wittfooth
I wonder if this is a reasonable sideboard card against Mono-Red. Four life and three blockers ought to be pretty good, but you could already be dead before you reach four mana.
Yeah, hoping to be saved on turn 4 sounds too late. This cost seems too big for a catch-up card.
I think this is a strictly medium mythic for limited. It doesn’t synergize with any archetype and its value is conditional on you being behind. At parity, this has no text.
I’d play it if I was already in white. I give it a C.
I agree, much worse than the other beasts so far.
Unlikely you get nothing from the etb, but it’s probably clearly the weakest of the Beasts.
Pairs well with Panharmonicon
Finally, a use for Panharmonicon!