• Eldritch@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    No. Modern “liberals” and conservatives are both neo liberals. Who broke differently concerning social involvement where economic liberalism said there should be none. Economic liberalism being the archetype for what we define right wing as, namely capitalism. The realistically you don’t get any further right wing than economic liberalism.

    According to the flawed theory however. It assumed that individuals would never behave selfishly. Economic liberalism would be socially neutral. We know for a fact that that assumption was utter bullshit from the moment it was made. Humans in the absence of any obvious negative repercussion will always behave selfishly. Worse yet with the Supreme Court ruling that a CEOs ultimate responsibility was to maintaining a company’s bottom line. That absolutely made it necessary to exploit others. Through social oppression and authoritarianism. Meaning that at best, economic liberalism could not only never be neutral. But was mildly authoritarian even in its base state.

    Those that we call liberals, Democrats. Are and have always been staunchly extremely right wing. Ever since the anomaly that was fdr. They have in every instance possible tried to worm work requirements into any social assistance program ever allowed. So as not to reduce the power of the ownership class. Every solution for them must be a market-based solution. Though at least they are somewhat genuine about it.

    Conversely those we call Republicans / conservatives are wildly authoritarianistic. Often fascistic. While they often use the same platitudes about market-based solutions. They have no genuine desire to change or fix anything. They simply wish to use the market and the bias built into it to enforce the hierarchy they desire. But generally are exactly as right wing as our Democrats are.

    Bonus facts. One of the other parties that gets a lot of mention are libertarians. The thing to know about Libertarians is they aren’t. In the United States what’s commonly referred to as libertarian or right-wing libertarian if people are at least trying to be even remotely correct. Are actually (economic) liberals. Thus they by nature of thinking they can be neutral. Are slightly more authoritarian than democrats.