Donald Trump was anti-TikTok until he was all-in.The former president who many moons ago sought to ban the trendy Chinese government-owned social media app while holding office — has not only made a 180-degree switch by launching his very own account — but he's also come forward publicly by promis...
Here’s a quick taste of Lee Atwater.
He was Nixon’s creature, and hung around for a long time. Helped create the dog whistles Nixon used and Trump surpassed
Thanks. I’ve read about Atwater, but I’ve never heard that interview. Yeah, he was despicable alright.
For fun, look up Nixon era mystery writer Ross Thomas. He started out as a Washington reporter, then became a novelist.
“The Fools In Town are On Our Side” may be the dirtiest politics book ever written.
“The Porkchoppers” is a close second.
I’ll check them out. Thanks!