Does anyone else not draft as much as you would on arena because of how expensive it is?

For a casual drafter that just wants to play around with the new set for maybe 1 or 2 drafts a week, the cost feels so ridiculous I just don’t play. I would love to draft MKM but I cant justify the cost to simply play a digital card game. With so many other ways to monetise the game via cosmetics now, it would be nice of WotC to ease up a little and make drafting more free-to-play friendly.


  • yggdrasil
    1 year ago

    I ran a draft at my shop last night (first of the set) and had 4 people. I am in a small town so 6 usual. My packs of MKM have been $6.49, however I dropped them to $5.99 for the draft and only charged $5 for entry. The total with tax was under $25.