• Fades@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Literally how?

    he was personally involved in the cease fire and that has only been the beginning. The dems are also talking conditional support going forward, Biden is seriously looking to sanction these West Bank monsters abusing Gazans… could go on and on

    But nooooo, WiLl tHiS tUrN oFf YoUnG vOtErS?!?!?!

    Give me a fucking break, the same kids that have been politically active are just gonna heel turn and throw their own fucking future into the flames???

    What a bunch of fucking BULLSHIT, abc is just printing their owners’ dreams

    • Doorbook@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Imagine this:

      You loke a guy because he always send gifts to your home through his connection.

      He said he scared from his neighbor and he left his old home in another town because they destroy his home and killed his relatives.

      You said: okay every year will send you ammunition, guns and money to make sure you are save.

      Ignoring the fact, that he built his new home in the twon by force by displacing native home owners.

      Fights happen, but you continue to support him because gifts.

      Now someone comes in kidnap family members and kill other and tell him: you want your family back, give me some of my family back.

      Wait a second, the person you liked has been kidnapping neighbors for years.

      Your neighbors goes nuts, start shooting every nighbour home. Kills more nighbour kids. Continue for a month. You go on tv and say I will gave him more guns.

      What Biden supposed to do you say?

      • Accountability for tax money spent on other states.
      • Stop war crimes and not wait until 100 of thousands displaced.
      • Enaure loppyist do not influence US foreign affairs interests.
      • Maybe pressure and abrthid statee to stop what they are doing.

      I think if you a native Muslims, Arab, Palestinians and a tax payer, you have the right to vote to people who would spend that money on things like:

      • Education - Student loan can be solve by one of these donations.
      • Health Care
      • Housing
      • Food security

      Instead of:

      • Giving a foreign military state unlimited support and money to commit massacres and war crimes.