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Runtime Break start
4h 30m 1h 49m

Episode 77: The Promise and the Price

So, last we left off: Bells Hells, after their excursion to the Shattered Teeth, managed to flee by the skin of their teeth by avoiding what appeared to be, towards the end of the conflict, a homunculus, or sorry, a simulacrum. Different types of weird magical constructions of Ludinus Da’leth, who took a bit of information from that conflict and you fled with indeed your target, a remaining spark of one of the ancient Primordial Titans, particularly flame.
As part of that experience, you also teleported back to Whitestone and after a little bit of a bumpy (chuckles) return because some people just can’t seem to roll decent on these teleports, returned to Whitestone to find that many of the other allies that you’ve made through this ever-growing mounting danger in the middle of the Hellcatch Valley have come to Whitestone to discuss the next plan of events.
In this time, you went into the war room and made some new friends as well as met some old ones, and altogether began to throw on the table what information you had acquired and what needed to happen next.
It was decided as the large world of Exandria currently gathers itself, everyone who might be accessible and available and driven to take arms against this threat that Ludinus and the Ruby Vanguard has built in the center, the heart of Marquet, others still throughout the world continue to be drawn to his cause and that division grows ever stronger throughout the world. As they begin to reach out to those they can, the attention is high on them, their history before them and know that there is an expectation of their arrival without a knowledge of what lies beyond the bloody bridge above the Malleus Key and Ruidus proper on the other side.
You volunteered to be the recon team to go to Ruidus to see what awaits everyone there. In return, when in you felt the information you gathered was helpful or it was too dangerous, you asked for a couple of things.
You met Lady Allura Vysoren, who is looking into acquiring what she can to help you on this journey.
Some possible plotting for how you can sneak into the place you previously were witness to the development and release of the Malleus Key itself and found what wasn’t Whitestone Andy, but rather, a fine churro salesman here in the middle of Whitestone.
But upon taking an evening’s rest, contemplating the events of the day and the days to come, the mounting anxiety of what lies before you, in the middle of the night, it appears that Laudna has woken up Imogen with interest for events as the evening progresses.
So as we come into here, as everyone else is resting and you have shaken Imogen awake, let us jump back in.

Previous Episode “A Gathering of Heroes”

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    10 months ago

    It was certainly a cool moment. I think the cockiness in the delivery was what triggered plenty of folks. It was present in the 4-Sided Dive:

    00:23:27 Ashley:“I still feel like, I mean, I still am curious if you’re supposed to keep the shards, both of 'em.”
    Taliesin:“I think I’m supposed to do whatever I damn well please with it, so…”
    00:33:55 Tal:“And I’m relearning how to play a barbarian, and part of that is reminding myself that, like, physical damage is just part of it. Like, ‘Okay, this looks stupid, and then just kind of…’”
    01:01:52 Tal:“They have a lot in common. A lot of family trauma. A lot of ego and personal grievance. A lot of un-dealt with emotional issues and a problem maintaining emotional issues. They also tend to think that they are the only adult in the room.”

    Then you have this question and somewhat prophetic answer about controversy:

    01:41:51 Dani:“Ashton seems to be embracing a designation as a member of the Hishari. What do they think of the cult after learning more about it, particularly from the Ashari and now Evontra’vir?”
    Tal:“Well, honestly, I feel like they’re a little biased and they’re ignoring most of the problematic issues with the uh… But, I will say, Im getting excited. I’m just…This was not a path I was expecting Matt to open up in this direction. And I like that it is mired in a lot of controversy.”

    The episode’s dialogue had problematic phrases:

    03:47:02 Ash: “I’m not taking it.”
    Marish: “No, you have to take it.”
    Tal: “No, she’s taking it. It’s going to be okay. She’s just fucking with everybody. (gaslighting) It’s going to be okay. We talked about- we talked about this.”
    Ash: “Okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
    Tal: “It is. It’s going to be okay.”
    03:50:05 Tal: “I know some of your whatever is bullshit. I know that you’re worried about your friends. This is what I need. I need to save everybody. (Hero complex phrasing, then he corrects himself) We all need to save everybody. Right?”

    03:07:50 Taliesin “Sometimes I think you’re crazy on a level that I might be crazy on, too.”
    Ashley: “Oh, kind of like a, what did you say? Like you’ve always wanted a sister(hint#1).”
    Tali: “I have always wanted family, and the few times I’ve tried, it’s gone poorly. But and when I mean sister, I mean, clearly, you know, no, you’re still hot and otherwise, and definitely, wow–”
    Ashley: “Oh. I wasn’t even talking about that (hint#2).”
    Talies:You were thinking it. You were thinking it loud enough that it was practically vibrating this bench.” (this will not age well)
    Ashley:“My heavens.”
    Taliesin:"And I trust you to help me make the right decision, and I hope you trust me to help make the right decision.

    Even with all that said, the rest of the team just kinda watched it happen. There were plenty of opportunities for insight checks. That’s what makes me think it’s more planned out than we may realize, but the delivery issues remain, nonetheless.