Actually glad it’s break time cos I couldn’t handle how much chaos there was. Such fun! Also 330k in donations. Well done everyone!
Actually glad it’s break time cos I couldn’t handle how much chaos there was. Such fun! Also 330k in donations. Well done everyone!
Well this is instant chaos
Double disadvantage in initiative is amazing
The finale is 8.5 hours long! Really curious to know how many people are able to sit through both the tailgate and the full show when it airs.
My understanding is Kyle safely evacuated with his pets but he most likely lost his house 💔
I have extended family who I believe live near him (based on his IG stories), and they also think their house is gone although they have no proof yet
Really thought Imogen was gonna say no and Fearne was gonna say yes. Can’t watch Cool Down yet cos it’s not loading for me but I’m excited to hear what Laura thinks there. Felt a bit out of character but it was a hard decision with a tether pulling you so I can’t really say.
I missed the last episode due to family commitments. But to my understanding last episode was wrapping up M9 and now we’re back to BH? So maybe it’s okay if I watch this one before the previous one…
Another 5 hour episode! And that’s a long second half!
This song is part of their winter album, available on vinyl
Critical Role Presents: Winter’s Crest (A Holiday Album) features:
- “Winter’s Crest Welcome” – Matthew Mercer
- “Winter’s Crest Festival Time” – Matthew Mercer (as Pumat Sol)
- “Silent Mind”- Laura Bailey (as Imogen)
- “Naughty & Nice” – Sam Riegel (as Scanlan)
- “Nothin’ Under the Tree” – Taliesin Jaffe (as Ashton)
- “O Mighty Nein” – Liam O’Brien (as Caleb)
- “Twelve Days of Grogmas” – Travis Willingham (as Grog), Ashley Johnson (as Pike)
- “Cold Inside” – Marisha Ray (as Laudna), Laura Bailey (as Imogen Temult), Sam Riegel (as Fresh Cut Grass), Travis Willingham (as Chetney), Matt Mercer (Pâté)
- “Winter Anymore” – Ashley Johnson (as Yasha)
- “Deck the Bear” – Laura Bailey (as Vex’ahlia), Taliesin Jaffe (as Percival), Ashley Johnson (as Pike), Matthew Mercer (as Trinket), Liam O’Brien (as Vax’ildan), Marisha Ray (as Keyleth), Sam Riegel (as Scanlan), Travis Willingham (as Grog)
- “It’s Critmas!” – Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Matthew Mercer, Liam O’Brien, Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel, Travis Willingham
Who’s Robbie gonna play?
The first time I watched it I just ugly cried. On my rewatches, I watch but stop before the end because I don’t want to go through that again.
During Cool Down, when Laura asks “Are you okay, Marisha?” And Marisha says “No!” I actually felt that. It does feel so bad for Keyleth.
Vax my boy 🖤
The first CR character that I really adored. Although I wish he’d learned that he should hide before attacking and get that sneak attack damage, I guess the “dagger, dagger, dagger” is basically a trademark for him.
3 hours before break. Wow.
I haven’t watched the episode so I missed the fact that VM is back until I saw a YouTube video with a spoiler title. But holy hell I didn’t know Cerkonos is that HOT! ❤️🔥
Did Liam skip that section or did he play a character?
Overall season impression: Not as strong as season 2 IMO. I feel like the Thordak and then Raishan battles were a bit underwhelming compared to the campaign/buildup. I guess it’s difficult to show how smart Raishan actually was in a dragon battle, but the fact that it was basically a 1v1 against Keyleth was disappointing. It was such a huge battle that felt close to a TPK in the campaign, but it was nothing near that here. And also it felt like they’re trying to make Percy’s death bigger than what I thought it was in the campaign. I guess they want deaths to be more significant and have more impact than just Pike having Revivify, but it didn’t really hit me emotionally (then again it might be my bias cos I never liked Percy that much)
Announcement video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWaEj2f0u4Q
As an Aussie Critter, I’m so excited. Thanks to all the other ANZ Critters who kept asking them to come and sending them the video.
They keep using the phrase “founding members of Critical Role”, does that mean no Robbie? Is he a full-time cast now?
Take Gate, 8+ hours finale, cooldown. It’s a full day of CR!